Impact of Drought on Agriculture
For more information, please visit the NM Department of Agriculture website.
Farm Income and Wealth Statistics - Overview
NM Palmer Drought Severity Index & Crop Moisture
Weekly Palmer Drought and Crop Moisture Data for the Climate Divisions in the Southern Region
NM Crop Weather and Crop Conditions Report
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Alternative Feeds for Cattle During Drought
Factsheet suggests possible alternate feeds and feed substitution strategies to be used during drought.
Colorado State University Extension
Cattle Management During Drought
Factsheet discussing alternative cattle management strategies during drought situations, such as early weaning and creep feeding.
Montana Cooperative Extension System
Nitrate Toxicity
Factsheet on the nitrate accumulation in plants during drought conditions and precautions to take before feeding to livestock.
Iowa Beef Center, Iowa State University
Pasture and Rangeland Management During Drought
Guidelines for general pasture and rangeland management in preparation for and during a drought.
National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service