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Legal Department

Court Order - Jemez River Stream System Adjudication

United States District Court
District of New Mexico

The United States of America,
On its own behalf and on behalf of the
Pueblos of Jemez, Santa Ana, and Zia;
the Pueblos as Intervenors, on their own
behalf, and The State of New Mexico
ex rel. State Engineer,
Tom Abousleman, et al.

Partial Final Judgment and Decree on Non-Pueblo, Non-Federal Proprietary Water Rights

Order on Form of Partial Decree

Addendum to Partial Final Judgment and Decree on Non-Pueblo, Non-Federal Proprietary Water Rights

Partial Final Judgment and Decree on Non-Pueblo, NonFederal Proprietary Water Rights - Indices and General Orders

Partial Final Judgment and Decree of the United States' Wild and Scenic River Act Reserved Water Rig