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- Navajo Nation
Navajo Nation Water Rights Settlement
On April 19, 2005, the Navajo Nation and the State of New Mexico executed a settlement agreement to resolve the claims of the Navajo Nation for use of waters in the San Juan River Basin in northwestern New Mexico. On March 30, 2009, President Obama signed federal legislation authorizing and providing funding for the Navajo Nation Water Rights settlement, and a revised settlement agreement, with the United States, was executed on December 17, 2010. The San Juan River adjudication court conducted an expedited inter se proceeding and on November 1, 2013, entered two Partial Final Judgments and Decrees (“decrees”) adjudicating the water rights of the Navajo Nation. Appeals of the decrees are pending before the NM Supreme Court.
The Navajo settlement provides water development projects for the benefit of the Navajo Nation and non-Navajo communities in exchange for a release of the Navajo Nation’s claims to water that could displace existing non-Indian water uses in the basin. One of the primary elements of the settlement is the Northwestern New Mexico Rural Water Supply Project (also known as the Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project) that includes a pipeline currently under construction by the Bureau of Reclamation. The Project will bring a renewable surface water supply from Navajo Reservoir to both Navajo and non-Navajo communities in northwestern New Mexico.
Documents pertaining to the proposed settlement agreement are as follows:
San Juan Basin/Navajo Nation Water Rights Settlement Agreement
State of New Mexico/United States Cost Share Agreement for the Navajo Nation Water Rights Settlement
Bureau of Reclamation 2007 Hydrologic Determination
San Juan River Basin in New Mexico Navajo Nation Water Rights Settlement Agreement, December 2010
Partial Final Decree of the Water Rights of the Navajo Nation
Supplemental Partial Final Judgment and Decree of the Water Rights of the Navajo Nation.
Navajo Nation Expedited Inter Se Proceeding/San Juan Settlement
Court Filings
- Executive Summary
- San Juan Basin/Navajo Nation Water Rights Settlement Agreement
- State of New Mexico/United States Cost Share Agreement for the Navajo Nation Water Rights Settlement
State’s Settlement Reports and Analyses
- State of New Mexico's Statement of Legal and Factual Bases for Settlement
- State’s Technical Assessment of the San Juan River Basin in New Mexico Navajo Nation Water Rights Settlement Agreement
Quantification Analysis
State's Initial Disclosures
Survey Reports and Maps
Laws and Congressional Records
Reports and Memoranda
- 1976 Table on Navajo Project Irrigation
- 2007 Hydrologic_Determination
- 2007 Tabulations of Farm Duties in NM and Per-Capita Water Use Rates for Public Water Supply Systems in 2000
- Historic Depletions from the San Juan River in New Mexico for Power Generation
- Navajo Indian Reservation Hogback & Fruitland Irrigation Projects Crop Utilization Survey 1993
- TechReport-041 Water Use by Categories in NM Counties 1975
- March 22, 2005 - Whipple Memo to Webb et al re Issues Related to Entitlements etc
- 1999 Biological Assessment for NIIP
- Whipple Memo regarding Concerns of SJAWUA - 08/09/04
Settlement Documents
- Draft SJR Basin in NM NN WRS Settlement Agreement 070904
- Draft SJR Basin in NM NN WRS Settlement Agreement 120503
- Executive Summary SJR Basin in NM NN WRS 041905
- ISC Minutes Farmington 2004
- ISC Minutes Farmington 2005
- Reasons for Non-Navajo Parties to Support SJR Basin in NM NN WRS Agreeement 110507
- Restrictions on the Export of NM Water 110507
- Summary of the 2007 Hydrologic Determination re Navajo Settlement 110507
- Timeline of the SJAWUA Participation in Activities re NN WRS 110507
- December 5, 2003 Press Release - Public Comment Sought on Proposed Water Rights Settlement Agreement
- "Responses to Public Comments Received on Drafts of San Juan River Basin in New Mexico Water Rights Settlement" prepared by John Whipple, December 10, 2004
- Letter to Governor Gary Johnson re Resolution of the Navajo Nation's Water Rights 09.09.1996
- Resolution of the NM ISC re the NN Settlement Agreement
- ISC Minutes Santa Fe 2003
Agreements and Contracts
- Agreement Among NM, Farmington & NN 031105
- Recommendations for SJR Operations & Administration 2007 & 2008
- Jicarilla Settlement Contract 1992-12-08
- Memorandum of Agreement between the State of New Mexico and the Navajo Nation
- Department of Interior Water Supply Contract between the United States and the Navajo Nation
Court Filings
State's Discovery Responses
Responses to SJWC’s First Set of Discovery Requests
NIIP and Navajo Settlement Documents
- Index of NIIP and Navajo Settlement Documents
- 4-30-75 Bradley ltr re 5-17-74 memo of water entitlement of Nav . NIIP
- 5-7-04 Map of NN NM Land Status in the SJ River Basin
- 5-30-95 NIIP Gallegos Reservoir Needs & Costs Assmt
- 5-64 NIIP NM ISC
- 6-12-86 Map of Nav. Ind. Reserv.
- 7-1-69 Wood ltr re attached story fm Wash. Post re Nav
- 7-8-71 OSE Reynolds ltr re editorial, Wish We Had Been Wrong
- 7-11-99 NII Summary re Gallegos or Moncisco Reservoir
- 7-15-49 Map DOI Ind. Servs SJ River Fruitland to Cudia
- 7-27-66 Mutz memo re BOR reeval. rpt on NIIP
- 7-27-74 Levine memo re history of WR
- 7-30-80 US Solicitor memo re NIIP
- 7-64 Map NIP Explanation of Proposed Project Facilities
- 7-64 Maps NIIP Explanation of Prop Project Facilities
- 8-16-68 Eicher Ltr re estimats of NIIP & copy Frtland Cambr. Crop. Distrib. Rpt
- 8-19-66 OSE Reynolds ltr re particip. in prep of reeval. rpt of NIP
- 8-66 Water Use Resultg fm Modification of NIIP
- 9-5-03 NM LAnd Status Ind. Allotments Nav. Dept of Water Res.
- 9-5-03 NM Land Status Ind. Allotmts Nav. Dept of Water Res.
- 9-5-57 Minutes of Meeting of ISC
- 9-25-70 PL 91-416 amend Act of NIP
- 9-30-74 Levine memo re history of WR
- 9-93 Appendix 3 Tabul. of 1993 BIA Crop. Utiliz. Data
- 10-5-66 Resolution of Nav. Tribal Council re Task Force Rpt of Reeval of NIP
- 10-7-03 Base Map NM Land Status Ind. Allotments Nav. Dept of Water Res.
- 10-21-04 Bernero email re 3 licenses re priority dates & Irby Ltr (1-20-56)
- 11-6-03 Whipple email re Gallegos Dam info
- 11-18-97 Mutz Memo re Diversion & Use of Colo River Water
- 11-26-56 Minutes of Meeting of ISC
- 12-10-69 Solicitor memo re Nav. Strm Gen Proj - Use of Colo River water
- 12-11-57 congressional hearing transcript
- 12-12-57 Resolution of the Nav. Tribal Council & Bill re NIIP
- 12-18-97 Tabulation 1994 Crop Data & 1993 BIA Crop Util. Data
- 12-93 NIIP Water Deliv. Sys. Oper & Maintenance - Annual Rpt
- 1977 Inflow to Navajo Reservoir Chart
- 1977 San Juan River Administration Flow Chart
- 010504 Draft Summary of Public Mtg NNWRS Shiprock
- 011205 ISC Mtg Public Comments of Settlement
- 011205 Substantive Changes to Proposed SJRB NNWRSA 070904 & 121004 Drafts
- 020404 Whipple email to Tsosie re Summaries of Public Mtgs
- 032205 SE D'Antonio ltr to Stomp re SJRB NN WRSA Albq Comments
- 060801 Core Memo to Mutz re Navajo Pumping
- 081804 ISC Mtg Public Comments on NN Settlement
- 110703 Leeper Draft Memo to Pollack re Indexed SJR Settlement Values
- 110703 Leeper email to Utton re Cutter Reservoir Capacity
- 121004 Rev Draft SJRB NM NN WRS PP Hogback & Fruitland
- 121004 Rev Draft SJRB NM NN WRS PP Settlement Components
- 121503 Draft Summary of Public Mtg NNWRS Farmington
- Animas - Echo Ditch notes
- Ch. 11, Irrigation & Allotted Lands, 25 Sc. 38ba US code
- CIR of Selected Irrig. Areas in NM - NMSU
- Cong. Rsrch. Serv. - SJ Chama & Nav. Projects
- Excerpts of testimony - pp 390 & 1213 of Lower Colo Riv. Basin Proj.
- Grazing Lands Ch. 8A 43 Sec. 315Q US Code
- List of Substantive Public Comment Concerns & Issues
- Map of NIIP
- Map of US DOI BIA Hobback Project Extension
- maxdesk
- Navajo Possible Claims Pre Dam Shortages & 1993 Irrig Area Studies FP&HB
- NIIP Fact Sheet
- NIIP References to Water and WR Printed Stmts Appended
- No. CJ-1-55 Resolution of the Nav. Tribal Council
- OSE Reynolds' notes of 11-23-65 Conf. w Sen. Anderson
- OSE San Juan River Hydrographic Survey
- PP11Thumbs
- PP11Thumbs
- Table 2 Active Existing Irrig. Projects
- Table 2.1 Shiprock Irrig. Projects Rptd Acreage
- Table 8 Recorded Irrig. Rts along SJ River below Blanco
- Yrs 1956-2003 Navajo Inflow During Irrigation Season
- 01-55 US DOI BIA Nav. Suppl. rpt 3-57 to Feasibility Rpt
- 1-23-67 Resol. of Nav. Tribal Councl recomm legis to fully implem NIP
- 1-30-23 Congressional Record - House
- 2-7-73 Krouse ltr re Hogback Project dif. dates
- 2-8-78 Acting Comm'r of Reclam. memo re NIIP
- 2-11-93 Mutz Memo re Diversion & Use of Colo. River Water
- 2-14-66 Stewan ltr re approptns on the progress of constr.
- 2-18-58 Nav. Tribal Counc ltr to Sen. anderson re draft legislation
- 3-6-58 APPRO Application to Appropriation
- 3-12-90 Fed. Reg., Vol 55, No. 48
- 3-65 Maps of NIIP Land Overlays
- 04-02-80 Bentley ltr re prelimin. flow diagram
- 4-19-04 Summary SJ Chama Oper. fm RiverWare Migration Model
- 4-23-82 US Solicitor memo re NIIP
- 4-24-61 Excepts fm April-June 1961 hearings SJ-Chama-NIIP
- 4-28-66 Resolution of Nav. Tribal counc. re Objectg to Prop Reeval of NIP
Documents Produced to the SJWC in SJWC v. D’Antonio
- OSE-0001 through OSE-0008
- OSE-0009
- OSE-0015 through OSE-0058
- OSE-0059 through OSE-0091
- OSE-0092 through OSE-0126
- OSE-0127 through OSE-0156
- OSE-0157 through OSE-0205
- OSE-0206 through OSE-0242
- OSE-0243 through OSE-0281
- OSE-0282 through OSE-0303
- OSE-0304 through OSE-0331
- OSE-0332 through OSE-0358
- OSE-0359 through OSE-0380
- OSE-0382 through OSE-0431
- OSE-0432 through OSE-0489
- OSE-0490 through OSE-0518
- OSE-0528 through OSE-0543
- OSE-0547 through OSE-0578
- OSE-0576 through OSE-0613
- OSE-0616
- OSE-0617 through
- OSE-0654
- OSE-0655 through
- OSE-0697
- OSE-0698 through
- OSE-0740
- OSE-0741 through
- OSE-0773
- OSE-0774 through
- OSE-0827
- OSE-0828 through
- OSE-0867
- OSE-0868 through
- OSE-0919
- OSE-0920 through
- OSE-0957
- OSE-0958 through
- OSE-0972
- OSE-0973 through OSE-1018
- OSE-1019 through OSE-1062
- OSE-1063 through OSE-1100
- OSE-1101 through OSE-1150
- OSE-1151 through OSE-1188
- OSE-1312 through OSE-1351
- OSE-1352 through OSE-1394
- OSE-1407 through OSE-1442
- OSE-1443 through OSE-1481
- OSE-1482 through OSE-1518
- OSE-1519 through OSE-1565
- OSE-1566 through OSE-1603
- OSE-1604 through OSE-1651
- OSE-1652 through OSE-1697
- OSE-1698 through OSE-1727
- OSE-1728 through OSE-1774
- OSE-1775 through OSE-1826
- OSE-1827 through OSE-1872
- OSE-1873 through OSE-1919
- OSE-1920 through OSE-1975
- OSE-1976 through OSE-2027
- OSE-2028 through OSE-2044
- OSE-2045 through OSE-2075
- OSE-2076 through OSE-2118
- OSE-2119 through OSE-2144
- OSE-2145 through OSE-2174
- OSE-2175 through OSE-2213
- OSE-2214 through OSE-2243
- OSE-2244 through OSE-2259
- OSE-2260 through OSE-2309
- OSE-2310 through OSE-2365
- OSE-2366 through OSE-2424
- OSE-2425 through OSE-2477
- OSE-2478 througs OSE-2524
- OSE-2525 through OSE-2542
- OSE-2543 through OSE-2577
- OSE-2578 through OSE-2626
- OSE-2627 through OSE-2666
- OSE-2667 through OSE-2692
- OSE-2693 through OSE-2721
- OSE-2722 through OSE-2769
- OSE-2738CON & OSE-2739CON
- OSE-2770 through OSE-2820
- OSE-2816CON
- OSE-2818CON through OSE-2820CON
- OSE-2821 through OSE-2856
- OSE-2825CON through OSE-2851
- OSE-2858 through OSE-2921
- OSE-2922 through OSE-2987
- OSE-2988 through OSE-3004
- OSE-3005 through OSE-3007
- OSE-3012CON through OSE-3029CON
Responses to Gary Horner’s First Set of Discovery Requests
- Responses to Gary Horner’s First Set of Discovery Requests
- July 1968 Letter from Steve Reynolds re waters of the San Juan River
- Water Use by Categories in New Mexico in 1980
- Water Use by Categories in New Mexico in 1985
- Water Use by Categories in New Mexico in 1990
- Water Use by Categories in New Mexico in 1995
- Irrigated Agriculture Water Use and Acreage in New Mexico Counties and River Basins, 1993-1995
- Water Use by Categories in New Mexico in 2000
- New Mexico Water Use by Categories in 2005
- New Mexico Water Use by Categories Supplemental Report 2005
- Data on Water Use
- State Water Plan and Appendices
- ISC 1986-1990 Consumptive Use Report
- ISC 1991-1995 Consumptive Use Report
- ISC 1996-2000 Consumptive Use Report
- ISC 2001-2005 Consumptive Use Report
- 2000 ISC San Juan Basin Acreage Inventory
- 2003 ISC San Juan Basin Acreage Inventory
- 2004 ISC San Juan Basin Acreage Inventory
- 2005 ISC San Juan Basin Acreage Inventory
- 2006 ISC San Juan Basin Acreage Inventory
- 2007 ISC San Juan Basin Acreage Inventory
- 2008 ISC San Juan Basin Acreage Inventory
- Recommendations for San Juan River Operations and Administration for 2006
- Recommendations Endorsements 2007-2008
- Recommendations for San Juan River Operations and Administration for 2007 and 2008
- Hogback memo 1943
- Hogback and Fruitland Crop and Utilization Survey 1993
- 1976 Navajo Project San Juan Rive Irrigation in NM
Responses to City of Aztec and the City of Bloomfield’s First Discovery Requests
- Responses to City of Aztec and the City of Bloomfield’s First Discovery Requests
- Institutional Processes and Computational Procedures for Implementing Section 11 of the Act of June 13, 1962, Public Law 87-483
- The State's Answer to City of Aztec and City of Bloomfield's Interrogatory No. 24
Responses to Conoco Phillips and El Paso Natural Gas Company’s First Discovery Requests
Responses to ABCWUA and City Of Espanola’s First Set of Discovery Requests
- Responses to ABCWUA and City Of Espanola’s First Set of Discovery Requests
- March 22, 2005 - ISC Memo regarding REservoir Water Supply and SJCP
- March 22, 2005 - Letter from John D'Antonio to John Stomp
- March 22, 2005 - Memo on Legal Effect of Proposed Amendment to Shortage sharing
- ISC Memo on Institutional Process for Implementing Section 11 of 1962 Act.053105
- July 2007 Report on SJCP Water Supply
- June 2007 Congressional Testimony by Jim Dunlap
- June 2007 Congressional Testimony by John D’Antonio
Responses Concerning 2007 BOR Hydrologic Determination
Response to Request for Documents about the Settlement
Rule 1-033.E Responses – OSE/ISC Business Records
- 0817&1804 Minutes of NM ISC
- 010305 Armijo email forwarding email fm Padilla, NMIAD
- 010404 ltr SJAWUA ltr to NN & ISC re Comments on Settlement
- 010404 Rep Harrison ltr to ISC Supporting 120503 NN WRs Settlement Discussion Draft
- 010405 Nordlan email to Page Update on APS 4 Corners Power Plant Recomm
- 010405 Page email to BID req for update and status of approval process
- 010504 Cone Email to Whipple re Hearing on AZ Water Settlement Act
- 010504 Cone Handwritten Questions re Water for Other Tribes & Concerns re Gallup not Paying a Proportional Amount to Benefits Received
- 010504 Statement of Yazzie re Proposed Navajo WRs Settlement
- 010604 SE D'Antonio ltr to Douglas Smith
- 010604 SE D'Antonio ltr to Robert Oxford
- 010804 Hammond Conservancy Dist corresp re Comments to Proposed NN WRs Settlement Agreement
- 010804 Stangl email to Abernethy re Daily Times Navajos Critical of Water Proposal Condemn Timetable for Public Comments
- 010904 Cone Email re NN ltr re NIIP MOU Initial Position
- 011104 Lundstrom ltr to NMISC re Briefing on Navajo Gallup Water Supply Project
- 011105 Reasons for NN to Support the SJRB in NNWRSA 011105
- 011204 NN ltr to Yazzie re Proposed SJRiver Settlement
- 011204 Sen Kysar ltr to AG Requesting an Opinion re DOI
- 011205 ISC Meeting Substantv Changes to Prop. SJRB in NNWRSA betwn 070904 & 121004 Drafts
- 011205 ISC Minutes
- 011205 NMISC Meeting Notice Final Agenda Fmgtn
- 011205 Resolution of NMISC re SJRB NNWRSA
- 011209 Whipple email to Brosnan re Section 11(a) of Public Law 87-483
- 011304 Chris Velasquez ltr to Whipple re Concerns with NNWRs Settlement
- 011304 SJWC ltr to ISC & NN re Comments of Proposed WRs Settlement Agreement
- 011403 City of Farmington ltr re Comments on NN WRs Set & 011304 City Council Mtg
- 011404 Mayor Rosebrough City of Gallup ltr to ISC Supporting Draft Settlement
- 011404 Young ltr to Whipple re concerns of 011304 SJAWUA mtg
- 011504 Abernethy email to Whipple re BID Comments on Navajo Water Settlement Proposal
- 011504 Albq Mayor ltr Proposed Comments to Navajo WRs Settlement
- 011504 BHP Navajo Coal Co's Comments on NN NM US Settlement Agreement
- 011504 Citizens Progressive Alliance email re Comments on Proposed Settlement
- 011504 City of SF ltr to ISC & NN re Comments on Proposed Settlement
- 011504 Cone email to Pat Turney Requesting Copies of All Comments
- 011504 Dine Power Authority ltr to Leeper re Comments on Position Statement
- 011504 email to Leeper w the Cities Comments on Proposed SA & Partial Final Decree
- 011504 Gleason ltr to NN re Notification of Irrigable Water Diversion to Newcomb Irr Project
- 011504 Jack Scott email to Leeper et al re comments on settlement agreement
- 011504 Jicarilla Apache Nation ltr to NN & ISC re Comments of Proposed Settlement
- 011504 Laverna Ahkeah email to Whipple re Comments on Proposed Settlement
- 011504 Mayor Lucero City of Espanola ltr re Comments
- 011504 Navajo EPA PWSSP Comments
- 011504 Resolution of the Dine Power Authority Board of Directors
- 011504 Town of Taos ltr re comments on settlement agreement
- 011604 Espanola Mayor Lucero City of Espanola Comments
- 011804 Denetsosie email to Pollack re Revised Dine Bidzill Conference Comments
- 011904 Cone email to Whipple re NM IPRA Request re All Docs on Negotiation
- 012004 Cone email to Whipple re IPRA Req
- 012004 ISC ltr to Cone re Public Records Act Req
- 012004 Whipple email to Cone Stating Written Comments Available
- 012104 Utton email to Cone re Utton quote Settlement Client Claimant
- 012105 SE D'Antonio ltr to BOR encl Adopted Rules & Regs for Supervision of Dist of Water
- 012209 Whipple email Brosnan re SJRiver Operations & Administration questions
- 012405 Utton email re additional comments on NN draft settlmt docs
- 012604 ISC ltr to Cone re IPRA Request of 012004
- 012704 ISC Invoice to Cone for Copies
- 012704 Leeper email to Utton re Daily Times Article Everybody to the Table
- 012705 Utton Ltr encl. 3 sets of Nav setlmt docs
- 012907 Sullivan (SJAWUA) ltr re concerns with proposed legislation
- 012909 Reocmmendations for SJRiver Operations & Adminis 2009-2012
- 020305 Burnham fax re corresp to DL Sanders re Para 8 of Prop Agrmt
- 020305 Sen Dominici ltr re disagreement re the effect of proposed settlmt
- 020310 SJWC Regular Meeting Minutes
- 020404 Utton email to Pollack re Daily Times Navajo Water Memorial Pulled article
- 020604 ISC press release re ISC Commisioners Meet in Special Session
- 020604 Stangl email to Genauldi re SJM25 press release
- 020805 Lopez Ltr to Sen. Domenici re compiling info as requested
- 020805 Sanders ltr re term 'actively support'
- 020905 BOR fax to Whipple re Oxford Water Sharing Agreement for 2005
- 021004 NN press release NN Pushes to Defeat HJM 43
- 021005 Burnham ltr encl Fmgtn Resol No. 2005-1132
- 021104 Utton fax to Jordon re Jicarilla Apache Nation staff comments
- 021204 CO Water Conservation Bd ltr to SE D'Antonio re Proposed Settlement
- 021208 Amended Order Denying Mtn for Limited Disc re 2007 BOR HD
- 021208 NN's Objection to Form of Order Denying Mtn for Limited Disc
- 021505 BOR email to BID re NN Approved 2005 Shortage Sharing Recommendations
- 022105 Reply to State Resp to ct OSC by Blmft ID N Star Dom Water Consumers & Mutual Sewer Works COOP inc & SJ Dev
- 022609 Hammond Conservancy Dist Endorsement & Agreement
- 022709 Jicarilla Apache Nation Endorsement & Agreement
- 030405 BOR fax to Whipple encl signed Endorsement Ageements
- 030504 Leeper email to Kiely re Leach & Whipple's Rev Completion NGWSP dates
- 030904 Cone ltr to NN re NN WRs & Concerns re Closed Sessions
- 030904 SJWC fax to Whipple re Draft White Paper Navajo Settlement
- 030905 Pollack fax re attach 020705 Henderson Memo the Hon Spkr & Mem of NN Council re secretly changing the SJSA after approval
- 030905 OSE fax encl ltr to Stomp, City of Alb re NNWRS, comments by City of Alb.
- 030906 Hume email re article in SF New Mexican re Aamodt Settlmt
- 031105 Agrmt among NM, City of Fmgtn & NN
- 031309 PNM Endorsement & Agreement
- 031703 Confidentiality Agreement NN SJRiver Basin WRs Settlement Negotiations
- 031704 Cone IPRA Req for Transcripts of Conf Calls
- 031704 ISC Minutes
- 031705 NN ltr to BOR re BID's Participation in 2005 SJRiver Operations & Administration
- 032204 ISC email to Cone re Response to IPRA Req
- 032204 ISC ltr to Cone re 031704 IPRA Req
- 032205 Ltr fm OSE D'Antonio re SJRB in NNNNWRSA comments by City of Alb.
- 032205 Whipple memo re SJRB in NMNNWRSA issues re Enttitlements, avail of sharing water for Nav Resevoir and SJ Chama project
- 032404 DOI ltr to NN re City of Farmington Reach, NN Pipeline & Animas-La Plata Project
- 032607 Smith (CAP) ltr re Concerns w NW NM Rural Water Projects Act
- 032904 Pollack email to Whipple re Oxford editorial
- 033007 Pollack email forwarding corresp fm Comm'r Gilmore NNWRC
- 033007 Singer email re Alb. Journal article, Nav. Water Deal Isn't a 'Giveaway'
- 033105 Pat Turney memo re SJRiver Basin Metering Project Status
- 040104 Cone email to Fisher re Mar IPRA req & docs withheld
- 040504 Cone email to Whipple re Resp to IPRA Req
- 040504 Fisher email to Cone re Atty-Client Privilege & Nonexistent Transcripts
- 040507 Guenther (Ariz Dept WR) re conflicts w NW NMRWPA
- 040704 US Sen Domenici ltr to Gov Richardson re Aamodt Navajo Gallup & Gila
- 040704 Various signed Acknowledgments of Confidentiality & Disclaimers
- 040709 Bloomfield Irrigation Dist Endorsement & Agreement
- 040804 City Atty Burnham email to Councilor Fischer re Mtg to Discuss Navajo WRs Settlement
- 040804 Whipple email response to Cone IPRA req
- 041204 Utton email to Fisher re ISC holds secret water mtg article
- 041304 Kimbler email to Cone re Confidentiality Agreement w DOI
- 041505 BOR fax to Whipple encl signed Endorsement & Agreements
- 041505 SE D'Antonio ltr to BOR Accepting Recommendations for SJROperations & Admins 2005
- 041609 Miller Ecological Cons Memo to US Fish & Wildlife re Review of 2003 Shortage Sharing Recomm Flows 2009
- 041805 Castillo email re press release re Navajo Signing News Release by Gov. Richardson
- 041905 Castillo email forwarding Gov' Richardson press release re signing agreement
- 041905 Executive Summary of the SJRB in NM NNWRS
- 041907 HR 1970 Bill to amend Colo River Storage Project Act and PL 87-483
- 041907 S 1171 a bill to amend Colo River Storage project Act and PL 87-483
- 042007 Castillo email re Press release of Gov Richardson and NN President Shirley
- 042304 BOR fax to Utton re NIIP Diversion Structure Capacity
- 042704 Daily Times Editor IPRA req to ISC re 040104 ISC mtg
- 043010 Utton email to Whipple forwarding Comments & Objects re Proposed Order
- 050305 SE D'Antonio ltr announcing signing of SJRBJ in NMNNWRSA
- 050405 DOI ltr to NN re Proposed 2005 Operating Plan for Navajo Reservoir, Unit & CO River Storage Project
- 050604 ISC ltr to Daily Times Editor re IPRA req
- 050708 NN WA Office release - Navajo Water Bill Passes Mark Up
- 050708 Utton email to Trujillo re Abq Journal art NWRs Bill Heads to US Senate
- 051909 City of Farmington Endorsement & Agreement
- 052206 BOR ltr to SE D'Antonio re Proposed 2006 Operating Plan for Navajo Reservoir
- 052404 Leeper email to Tsosie re Navajos trying to control water article
- 053105 Whipple Memo re Instit. Processes and Comput. Proc. for Implemtg Sec. 11 of Act of 061362
- 060104 Order Setting time Limitations
- 060605 Shirley ltr re signing NM NNSJRSA
- 061107 BOR fax to Whipple encl 2007-2008 Endorsement Agreements
- 061107 SE D'Antonio ltr to BOR Accepting Recommendations for SJR Operations & Admins 2007 & 2008
- 061307 BOR ltr to SE D'Antonio re Proposed Operating Plan for Nav Reservoir etc
- 061604 BOR fax to Whipple re Navajo Gallup Water Supply Project Cost Estimate & Schedule
- 062107 CAP ltr re not supporting bill NW NMRWPA
- 062304 Mtn for Order Declaring Confidentiality Agreement Void
- 062404 Mtn to Enjoin the Execution of the Navajo WRs Settlement
- 062404 SJR Basin NN WRs Settlement Status Report of ISC
- 062409 DOI Fish & Wildlife memo to Parties re Shortage Sharing Agreement
- 062607 Jicarailla Testimony to US Senate Committee on Energy & NR on S 1171
- 062607 Lyons ltr re supporting water resources to the Nav & Apache Nations but details need to be examined
- 062607 SWWCD ltr re failure to address conditions of hydrological determination w condtions
- 062707 Jicarilla detailed comments re S 1171
- 062707 Statement of Gerald Zimmerman
- 062707 Statement of Hon. Guenther, Ariz.
- 062707 Statement of Robert Johnson , BOR & Carl Artman Ind. Affairs
- 062707 Testimony of Patricia Lundstrom, US House of Rep.
- 062707 Written Testimony Mike Sullivan SB 1171
- 062806 Whipple Memo re revised Upper Colo. River Basin Deplection Schedule for NM
- 062907 Bingaman ltr thanking OSE D'Antonio appearing before Senate Comm.
- 070105 US Fed Communication Commission OSE Exper Radio Station & Const Permit License
- 070802 NN ltr to Turney re Negotiations of the NN WRs in SJ River Basin
- 070817 Tanya Trujillo email to Whipple re NM's Ans to Supplemental Questions re S1171
- 070904 BID key issues w attached 071086 ltr from SE Reynolds
- 070904 Bill Authorizing Const of NavajoGallup Wtr Supply Project NN WRS Appendix 2
- 070904 Contract Between US & NN Appendix 3 to NN WRS
- 070904 Draft NNWRS Status Presentn SJ River Basin in NN WR Settlmt
- 070904 Draft WR Settlmt power point docs
- 070904 Executive Summary of SJR Basin in NM NN WRS
- 070904 Ltr to Whipple re briefing Navajo Settlement
- 070904 Mutz Memo to Tyrell et al enclosing draft proposed NN WRS
- 070904 NN Draft WR Settlement to NMIAC
- 070904 NN Final Prsntn to NMIAC re summation of WR Settlement
- 070904 NN WR Draft Study amts of water
- 070904 OSE Press Release re Revised Proposed SJWRS between NN & NM
- 070904 Partial Final Decree of NN WRs Appendix I NN WRS
- 070904 SJR in NM NN WRs Settlement Agreement
- 070904 Whipple Memo to ISC re Responses to Public Comments re NN WRS Draft
- 070904 Whipple Memo to Mutz re Upper CO River Basin Depletion Schedule for NM
- 070904 Whipple Memo to Those Who Submitted Comments to ISC re Draft Settlement Agreement
- 071206 Bingaman ltr requesting final review of Envir Impact Stmt and approval fo Hydrolog investigation for del. of water stored in Nav. Reserv.
- 071208 Overview SJRBasin NM NNWRS
- 071208 Reasons for Non-Navajo Parties to Support SJRiver Basin in NM NN SA
- 071409 AZ Public Svc Co Endorsement & Agreement
- 72004 Burnham Memo to Mayor & Council re Proposed NWR Settlmt
- 072104 Briones ltr & Filings SJAWUA 2nd Motion Leave & Motion to Restrain Pltf fm Aprovg & Executing proposed Settlmt Agrmt
- 072204 City Fmgtn to Whipple re 072104 City Fmgtn Working Sessn
- 072304 Whipple Fax re Depletion Schedule Comments
- 072407 Subcommittee on Water & Power on Natural Resources attaching testimony
- 072409 DOI ltr to Leeper NN re Identification of Negotiation Teams
- 072604 Media Advisory from OSE re Public Mtg 080204
- 072607 Trujillo email re supplemental answers to S 1171 attching ques. & answ fm Shirley; thank you ltr from Guenther; answers fm Guenther; ques & Answ fm Lundstrom
- 072707 Remarks by Mark Sanchez re SB 1171
- 072707 Statement of NM OSE D'Antonio before Senate Energy & NR Comm. S 1171
- 072707 Testimony of Mark Sanchez ABCWUA S 1171
- 072707 Testimony of NN President Shirley before Senate Committee on Energy & NR S 1171
- 072804 Burnham Memo re Collective Thoughts re Prop N WRS
- 072804 Schmitz Inter-office Memo re Revised Porposed NNWRSA
- 072804 SJWC Present. to Farm. City Council
- 073004 City Fmgtn Ltr re Modif. Proposed Settlmt docs
- 080107 US Rep Napolitano ltr to ISC re Subcommittee on Water & Power Legislative HR
- 080204 BOR fax attaching allocation of NGWSP 0104 construction costs
- 080306 Spear (SWCD) ltr re concerns of new hydrologic determination
- 080504 Fmgtn Ltr and Comm'n Resolution
- 080604 Crawford fax re BID Questions & Discussion Issues
- 080604 Crawford fax re Blmfld Irrig. Dist. Draft Agenda for 080904 Mtg and NS Sum. Comments to Blmfld Irrig. Dist.
- 080607 Tanya Trujillo email to Emily Knight re Committee on Natural Resources W&P Subcommittee
- 080804 Oxford re Nav. WS Will Destroy Echo Ditches
- 080904 BID Meeting
- 080904 Whipple Memo re Concerns of SJAWUA
- 081004 Mutz Ltr re Response to Nav-Gal Water Supply Project
- 081211 OSE press release re NN WRS These are the Facts by Sanders
- 081604 Burnham Memo re NWRS Subjects for Discussion
- 081604 NN Resp. to SJAWUA's Motion to Restrain Pltf fm Aprvg & Exectg the Prop. Settlmt Agrmt
- 081910 Order Establishing Initial Procedures
- 082004 Scheduling Order on IWR Claims
- 082005 ISC Fax attaching 082605 invit to SJRNN Water press tour
- 082204 IPRA request from cone to OSE re discus. w Sen. Bingaman & staff
- 082504 Cone corres to JD'A req copy of Confid. Order
- 082504 James (CREDA) Ltr re concerns of proposed settlmt
- 082601 Cone Email to Turney re NM IPRA Req
- 082704 Utton fax attaching letters from Sen. Domenici and US DOI
- 082909 Farmers Mutual Ditch Endorsement & Agreement
- 083004 Judge Sanchez' Open Letter to Court File encl. Orders
- 083004 Leeper email re NN litigation and suggested language re Jicarilla Apache Nation
- 090109 BHP Navajo Coal Co Endorsement & Agreement
- 090207 COS re Joint Mtn for Order Governing Initial Procedures for Entry of Final Decree
- 090209 Joint Mtn for Order Governing Initial Procedures
- 090309 Navajo Nation Endorsement & Agreement
- 090803 Whipple email to Schoessler re FOIA req
- 090804 Rubin email re IPRA resp. & comments to be addressed to Cone
- 090804 Rubin email re IPRA response
- 090804 Utton email re Daily Times Article re NAPI turns a 3.3 million profit
- 090904 Utton email re Daily Times article re Nav. public in the dark
- 091404 Gary Horner's Objections to Proposed Orders
- 091609 Jewett Valley Water Users Assoc Endorsement & Agreement
- 091709 SJWC Resp to Joint Mtn for Order Governing Initial Procedures
- 091906 CREDA ltr re suggested revisions ot the legislation for the settlmt.
- 092507 NMFLB ltr to Congressman Pearce re Concerns w Navajo WRs Settlement
- 092509 BOR email to Bloomfield et al re 2009-2012 Recommendations Endorsements
- 092804 Uttom email re Judge greenlights N. water negotiations
- 092909 Reclamation Managing Water in the West Press release Water Delivery Contract Negotiations Begin
- 100104 Rubin corresp re IPRA request
- 100109 Sec of Interior WA Order No 3291 Delegation of Authority to Implement NG Water Supply Project
- 100202 DOI Corresp to Turney Announcing Appointment Navajo-SJRiver Indian Water Rights Negotiation Team Members
- 100302 SJ Negotiation Session OSE sign in sheet
- 100404 Horner Application for Interlocutory Appeal
- 100404 Utton email re Daily Times article heavy-weight dispute w Bloomfield
- 100501 Turney email to DL Sanders re Dine article Fed's aid thwarted on Dine water 100401
- 100509 Whipple email to Pat Page re Comments on 091709 Draft Water Supply Contract
- 100709 Suggest Com & Objections concerning Procedures for Adjudicating Navajo Settlement
- 101004 Tsosie email to Utton re NN to Consider SJR Basin WRS
- 101107 Cone email to Marshall re 2007 Hydrologic Determination & Gallup Independant Art
- 101204 O'Brien corresp re comments of BHP Nav. Coal Co and Settlmt Agrmt related docs
- 101904 Status Rpt to ISC re NNWRS
- 102209 Aztec & Bloomfield's Resp to Joint Mtn for Order
- 102209 BID & Horner's Supplemental Resp to Joint Mtn for Order
- 102307 The Great Water Grab on the SJ River Article
- 102407 Timeline of the SJAWUA's Participation in Activities re NN WRs
- 102604 COA Order denying Horner appl for lv to file interloc appeal
- 102609 SE D'Antonio ltr to BOR Accepting SJRiver Operations & Administration for 2009-2012
- 102803 Mtn of SJAWUA for Leave to Propound Limited Discovery & 1st Set of INTs and Discovery Reqs
- 103009 Reclamation Press Release Reclamation & NN Continue WA Delivery Contract Negotiations
- 110205 Whipple email re questions for term paper
- 110607 SE D'Antonio 2007 Indian Water Rights Settlement Fund Report
- 110607 Tanya Trujillo email to Stangle attaching Final Settlement Docs
- 110707 US Sen Bingaman response to NMFLB re Concerns on Settlement
- 110909 BOR ltr to SE D'Antonio re Proposed Operating Plan for Navajo Reservoir etc
- 111208 Whipple email to Brosnan re copies of SJ agreement
- 112508 NN ltr to Gov Richardson re Ext of NM NN WRs SA
- 112707 V Marshall Some Issues Presented by the Proposed Settlements of IWRs
- 120503 BHP Billiton Suggested Edits to NN-NM-US Draft Settlement Act
- 120503 Discussion Draft Appendix 1 Partial Final Judgment and Decree of the WRs of NN
- 120503 Discussion Draft Appendix 2 - A Bill to Authorize Construction of the Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project
- 120503 Discussion Draft NN WRs Settlement SJRiver Basin in NM NNWRs Settlement Executive Summary
- 120503 Discussion Draft NNWRs Settlement Appendix 3 Contract Between US & NN
- 120503 Discussion Draft SJRiver Basin in NM NNWRs Settlement Agreement
- 120503 Memo from NMISC to Upper Colorado River Commissioner Mutz re draft of proposed NN WRs Settlement for SJRiver Basin
- 120503 NN & OSE Press Release re Public Comment Sought on Proposed WRS Agreement by NM and NN SJRBasin
- 120503 OBrien Suggested Edits BHP NN-NM-US Draft Partial Final Judgment and Decree
- 120503 Pollack Email to Whipple re Proposed Navajo Settlement Docs
- 120703 NN ltr to DOI re NIIP MOU Initial Position
- 120902 Cone email to Schoessler re Navajo-SJR Federal Indian WRs Negotiation Team
- 120904 Connor Fax to Utton re 120804 ltr from Sens Domenici & Bingaman to DOI
- 120904 CREDA email to Whipple re NN Seeking Approval & Need to Review Resps
- 121004 OSE Press Release re Proposed SJ Basin WRS between NN & NM Under Consideration
- 121004 SJ River Basin in NM NN WRs Settlement Docs Revised Draft
- 121004 Utton email to Bridgewater re Final Docs on OSE website
- 121004 Utton email to Burnham re Navajo Settlement Docs Public
- 121004 Utton email to Meagher re Navajo Set Docs Public & on OSE website
- 121004 Utton email to Mespino re Navajo Set Docs Are Public
- 121304 CREDA email to Whipple re Understanding of Latest Draft Settlement
- 121404 Utton email to Bassett re Daily Times Art Navajo Council to vote on WR Set
- 121406 Richardson & Madrid ltr re Congress recessed states that the SA will need to be revised
- 121503 Comments of City of Aztec on Proposed Navajo WR Settlement
- 121503 Draft Summary of Public Mtg on NN WRs Settlement in Farmington
- 121503 SE D'Antonio Powerpoint Slides re Proposed WRs Settlement Agreement
- 121504 Creda email to Whipple re SJWRs Set & access to CRSP Project
- 121505 Turney Memo to Abeyta-Mtz re Budget Adjustment Req
- 121506 Recommendations for SJR Operations & Administration for 2007 & 2008
- 121509 Notice of Settling Parties' Revisions to Prev Submitted Exhs
- 121509 Settling Parties Suggestions re Special Master's Proposed Order
- 121603 Douglas Smith ltr to SE D'Antonio re Comments on Farmington Public Mtg of 121503
- 121604 Utton Email to Whipple re Daily Times Art Water Settlement in Limbo
- 121710 Contract No 10-WC-40-384 DOI between US & NN
- 121710 NN memo to Pollack re Delegation of Authority to Execute Revised NN WRSA
- 121710 SJRiver Basin in NM NN WRs Settlement Agreement
- 121806 Shirley ltr re changes to Agreement
- 121905 Recommendations for SJR Operations & Administration 2006
- 122005 PNM email to BID re 2005 Escrow Agreement - Drought Mitigation Fund
- 122303 Bob Oxford Comments re NNWRs SA-Partial Final Judg & Decree
- 122610 NN Press Release Shirley Joins Sec Salazar to sign SJR Settlement
- Alfred Bennett III Comments on Proposed Settlement Water is clear Gold
- AZ NV CA CO UT NM WY Recommended Modifications to S1171
- Brief La Plata Valley Acequia Assoc in Opp to Joint Mtn for Order (not dated)
- Comments of Thomas Turney before SJWC 082101
- Comments Related to the July 21 Session
- Cone ltr to Gov Richardson re SJRiver Basin in NM NN WRs Settlement Agreement
- Congressional Quantification of Indian Reserved WRS A Definitive Solution or a Mirage by Dumars & Ingram
- DOI Memo to David Hanes re Tribal WRS and Allottees 011901
- ISC Staff Report SJRiver Basin in NM NN WRS 121004 ISC Mtg
- Jan 04 Report of the Council Delegate Alice Benally
- Map SJ Basin Boundary - Nav-Gal Water Supply Project
- Mar 2004 NN & OSE Press release Benefits of Proposed Settlement
- March 2009 S22 An Act to Designate Certain Land
- Navajo WRs Pre-Date Colonization Period by Keeswood
- Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project SJRiver Alternative Map 042000
- NM Legislature Reg Session SJM62 Involve WRs Settlement Stakeholders
- NN ltr to BIA re Req for a Position from BIA on the Role of the Navajo Allottees in NN SJR WRS 082203
- NN Memo 100478 to AZ GW Management Study Commission
- OSE Pub. Mtg. Sched. Prop. WRSA - 080204
- Possible Wording for Consideration for NGWSP from Gallup
- Public Mtg Notice 121503 & 010503 Proposed WRSA for the SJ Basin
- SJR Basin in NM NN WRS Significant Changes from 070904 Draft
- SJRB in NMNNWRSA Significant Changes fm 070904 Draft
- SJWC White Paper on NN WRS Proposed 120503
- West Hammond Domestic Water Assoc Comments on Discussion Draft NNWRS 120503
- WNRC 0805 &080602 NN Water Concerns
Proposed Scheduling Order
Navajo Nation Expedited Inter Se Proceeding and Form of Notice of Intent to Participate
Settlement Act, Settlement Motion and Settlement Agreement with Decrees
Proposed Supplemental Partial Final Decree
United States Statement of Claims
United States Technical Reports
- United States Technical Reports Supporting Statement of Claims
- Exhibit A
- Exhibit B
- Exhibit C
- Exhibit D
- Exhibit E
- Exhibit F
- Exhibit G
- NN_SJR_HIA_map inserts
- Exhibit H
- Exhibit I
- Exhibit J
- Exhibit K
- Exhibit L
- Exhibit M
- Exhibit N
- Exhibit O
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- Impoundments
- Location_Maps_Index
- Springs
- Table D1
- Table D2
- Table D3
- Table F1
- Table F2
- Table F3
- Table K1
- Table M1
- Table M2
- Table M3
- Wells