Hydrology Bureau
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Hydrology Bureau
The Hydrology Bureau performs a wide range of activities in support of the Office of the State Engineer and Interstate Stream Commission.
Bureau hydrologists collect hydrologic data, create water resource models, assist in policy development and planning, evaluate water availability, quantify hydrologic impacts, provide expert testimony for litigation, and manage technical projects.
The Hydrology Bureau also provides geographic information systems (GIS) services, manages the statewide groundwater level monitoring program and operates the OSE library archives.
Questions about hydrologic modeling and groundwater should be directed to the Hydrology Bureau.
A list of titles of the Hydrology Bureau technical reports are available on the Hydrology and Water Reports page
Contact Information
Bureau Chief, Katie Zemlick , Ph. D.
The Hydrology Bureau is located in the Concha Ortiz y Pino Building
130 South Capitol Street
Santa Fe, NM 87504The mailing address is:
P.O. Box 25102
Santa Fe, NM 87504-5102Phone: (505) 827-6140