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Water Use & Conservation

Faucet Leak InformationFaucent pouring money

A leaky faucet is a common household water waster.  A steady drip at the rate of one drop per second wastes 192 gallons of water a month.

The first step in fixing a leaky faucet is to identify the faucet type.  Although there are hundreds of different styles, sizes and shapes, faucets can be divided into two basic types: compression faucets and washerless faucets. 

Find out more by visiting the sites below:

  • Don't Waste A Drop - OSE
    A PDF file on finding, fixing and preventing indoor water leaks. Faucets are covered on pages 13-17.
  • Fixing a Leaky Faucet - This Old
    Web page with information on different types of faucets and how to fix them