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Drought in New Mexico

Precipitation/Reservoir/Streamflow Data

Precipitation Data

Current Reservoir Levels

CLIMAS Climate Assessment for the Southwest

New Mexico Reservoir Volumes

Courtesy of CLIMAS - Climate Assessment for the Southwest

US Army Corps of Engineers – Streamflow and Reservoir Data
Updated every 24-hours

Courtesy of U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation

US Army Corps of EngineersNormally daily reports are available by the 10:00 AM of the following workday. Currently, daily reports are available for the latest two to six weeks basedon the availability of the monthly reservoir reports. Once the monthly reports are posted, the associated daily reports are remove.

Daily Reservoir Reports

Monthly Reservoir Reports

Courtesy of the US Army Corps of Engineers

 Streamflow USGS

Map of real-time streamflow compared to historical streamflow for the day of the year (New Mexico)

Image Courtesy of the USGS

New Mexico Office of the State Engineer Real-Time Water Measurement System

The New Mexico Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission (OSE/ISC) engages in Active Water Resource Management (AWRM). This allows the State Engineer to actively manage the state's limited water resources while administering water rights and interstate compacts throughout the state. In order to do this, the OSE/ISC maintains a network of stream, acequia, ditch and well monitoring sites that electronically transmits data values via radio and satellite telemetry and stores the data in a database. This real-time water measurement data is available for each active gage/well shown on select basin maps.

To find a specific gage/well click on the appropriate area on the state map on the Real-Time Water Measurement System website