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Water Use & Conservation

Water Conservation Related Links


    • Project WET - Project WET is a network of state coordinators who provide educators with the materials and skills they need to teach about water through professional development workshops.
    • EPA Office of Water - Links to sites for educators or educational information for adults. This page includes sites that plainly describe environmental concepts such as ozone or acid rain.
    • Welcome to The Water Sourcebooks - EPA Office of Water provides 324 activities for grades K-12 divided into four sections: K-2, 3-5, 5-8, and 9-12. Each section is divided into five chapters: Introduction to Water, Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment, Surface Water Resources, Ground Water Resources, and Wetlands and Coastal Waters.
    • Conservation Education, U.S. Department of Agricultural/Forest Service
      Connecting people to the land by providing them with the tools they need to take informed actions related to sustaining natural and cultural resources.
    • Educating Young People About Water - University of Wisconsin guides and water curricula database provide assistance for developing a community-based, youth water education program.
    • Water on the Web - University of Minnesota and National Science Foundation help college and high school students understand and solve real-world environmental problems using advanced technology.
    • Kids gardening - Helping Young minds Grow. Grants, classroom projects, resource directory and more.

Home Owners:

    • H2Ouse - Take the tour to investigate your water saving opportunities in each area of your home. Click on each location to show you both the facts and specific advice.
    • Maximum Performance (MaP) TESTING - The low flow toilet fixture models are listed with their MaP performance scores and physical characteristics.
    • Water Footprint - The water footprint is an indicator of water use that looks at both direct and indirect water use of a consumer or producer.
    • EPA WaterSense - Find a Product - Products that meet WaterSense criteria for water efficiency and performance carry a special label. When you use products bearing the WaterSense label, you can expect exceptional performance, savings on your water California Friendly Gardening...for the Water Wisebills, and assurance that you are saving water for future generations.
    • - Fun, on-line water wise gardening tutorials applicable across the country.
    • Kids Gardening - Helping Young minds Grow

Industrial, Commercial, Institutional (ICI):

Landscaping Industry:

    • Irrigation Association - The leading membership organization for irrigation equipment and system manufacturers, dealers, distributors, designers, consultants, contractors and end users.
    • Xeriscape for a Desert-Friendly Yard - To encourage landscapes that are appropriate to our desert environment, the Water Authority offers generous rebates for the replacement of turf with xeriscaping. Several conditions must be met in order to qualify for the rebates, including approval of plans in advance by a Water Authority inspector..
    • NM Climate Center - Climate stations, ET and hydrology tools and drought information
    • Alliance for Water Efficiency - Landscape, Irrigation and Outdoor Water Use Resource Library. A stakeholder-based 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to the efficient and sustainable use of water.
    • Landscape Watering Guide - Watering by the Numbers, designed for Arizona, provides an east use, step-by-step instruction manual for low desert regions.
    • Smart Water Application Technology (SWAT) - A national partnership initiative of water purveyors and irrigation industry representatives created to promote landscape water use efficiency through the application of state-of-the-art irrigation technologies.

Public Water Suppliers:

    • Alliance for Water Efficiency - A stakeholder-based 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to the efficient and sustainable use of water.
    • EPA WaterSense - EPA is building WaterSense as a national brand for water efficiency. The brand is more than just a product label; it is a symbol that represents the importance of water efficiency in the United States. With the help of our partners, WaterSense will encourage water-efficient behaviors and the purchase of quality products that use less water.
    • AWWA Water Wiser® - Welcome to WaterWiser®, a comprehensive clearinghouse of resources on water conservation, efficiency, and demand management for conservation professionals and the larger water supply community.
    • Water Conservation Best Management Practices Guide - Chapter 3: BMPs for Municipal Water Users
    • New Mexico Water Conservation Alliance - A non-profit organization of people dedicated to water conservation issues. Individuals from municipal, industrial, institutional, and commercial sectors have joined together in an effort to exchange information, provide education, and work collaboratively to help ensure a positive water future for the state.