Los Lunas Silvery Minnow Refugium Speaker's Bureau
The Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission would welcome the opportunity to speak with local groups and organizations about the Refugium. If your group is interested, please provide us with the following information.
Include all of the following information in e-mail, with “Speakers Bureau” as the subject line, and email to: Kristina.Eckhart@ose.nm.gov
- Name of Group or Organization
- Contact Person
- Contact Phone Number and E-mail address
- Preferred Date(s) Requested
- Please list any particular issues you would like the speaker to address
- Other Comments
Print this form and mail to:
Office of the State Engineer
Attn: Public Information Officer
5550 San Antonio Dr. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109
(505) 383-4092