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Legislative Actions

Legislative Actions

List of Bills, Capital Outlay Requests, Memorials, and Joint Memorials from the House and Senate that are related to and analyzed by the Office of the State Engineer and the Interstate Stream Commission.

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Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission House Bill Analysis List

2002 Legislative Session

House Bill Number Bill Description
HB20 Ft. Sumner Irrigation District Debt, Moore
HB21 Manage Non-Native Vegetation, Moore
HB30 General Appropriation Act, Larranaga
HB44 Increase Per Diem Rate, Varela
HB91 Information Technology Management Act, Hobbs
HB140 Study Recharge to Pecos River, Stell
HB145 Placitas Acequias Study, Madalena
HB148 Rio Jemez Drainage Basin Water Settlement, Madalena
HB173 Acequia De Alcalde Water Rights, Salazar
HB225 Pecos River Water Rights, Foley
HB271 Underground Water Permits, Stell
HB274 Pecos River Water Rights & Conservation, Foley
HB323 2002 Water Project Fund GO Bond Act, Stell
HB338 Santa Fe Water Conservation Program, Knauer
HB390 Acquire Mimbres Valley Water Rights, Herrera
HB417 Purchase Water Rights in Pecos River Basin, Stell
HB418 Pecos River Water Rights & Conservation, Stell
HB421 Pecos River Basin Water Bank, Gubbels
House Memorial
HM17 El Rito Reservoir, Rodella
House Capital Outlay Request
HC602 Purchasing Water Rights for Gallup-Navajo Water Supply, Lundstrom
HC612 Capital Improvements Cibola, McKinley, San Juan Counties, Lundstrom
HC760 Nambe-Pojoaque-Tesuque Groundwater and Endangered Fish Species on the San Juan River, Stell
HC908 Dam Rehabilitation Projects, Heaton
HC1249 The San Juan-Chama Diversion Project and the Rehabilitation of the Buckman Wells in Santa Fe in Santa Fe County, C

HB: House Bill
HC: House Capital Outlay Request
HJM: House Joint Memorial
HM: House Memorial
HJR: House Joint Resolution

Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission Senate Bill Analysis List

2002 Legislative Session

House Bill Number Bill Description
SB1 Making General Appropriations and Authorizing Expenditures by State Agencies required by Law, Altamirano
SB16 Lea & Carlsbad Conservation District Study, Leavell
SB24 Reports to Legislature, Hurt
SB44 Water Trust Fund Appropriation, Lyons
SB50 NMFA Water & Wastewater Projects, Campos
SB51 NMFA Public Projects, Campos
SB65 Increase Per Diem Rates, Altamirano
SB107 Ft. Sumner Irrigation Debt Refinancing, Campos
SB108 UNM Water Rights Adjudication Study, Campos
SB127 Eagle Nest Lake Fund, Altamirano
SB135 Middle Rio Grande Bosque Revitalization, Feldman
SB180 State Telecommunications Assessment & Network, Compos
SB252 2002 Water Trust Fund GO Bond Act, Altamirano
SB267 Pecos River Water Rights & Conservation, Jennings
SB271 Purchase Pecos River Water Rights, Jennings
SB291 Study Recharge to Pecos River, Jennings
SB292 Create Interim Water Committee, Lyons
SB341 Lower Pecos Basin Water Preservation District, Jennings
SB343 Purchase Pecos River Water Rights, Jennings
SB392 Water Trst & Water Project Funds, Altamirano
SB393 Lower Pecos Basin Water Preservation District, Jennings
SB427 Pecos River Basin Water Bank, Beffort
SB478 Public, Peace, Health, Safety & Welfare, Feldman
Senate Joint Memorial
SJM7 Review Eastern Plains Ground Water Management, Lyons
SJM27 Study NM Water Dilemmas, Cisneros
SJM57 Transport Water from Mississippi River, Griego
SJM74 Strategic Planning Task Force, Aragon
SJM83 Treat Produced Water for Recycling, Leavell
Senate Joint Resolution
SJR13 Eddy County Property Sale by EMNRD, Kidd
SJR15 STPF Distribution to Water Project Fund, CA, Sanchez
SJR19 Valencia Wetlands Wastewater Treatment System, Sanchez, M.
SJR22 Ad Valorem Levy for Water Projects, Aragon
Senate Capital Outlay Request
SC2025 Renovation of Ute Dam in Quay County, Lyons
SC2026 Rehabilitation for Eagle Nest Lake in Colfax County, Lyons

SB: Senate Bill
SJM: Senate Joint Memorial
SM: Senate Memorial
SJR: Senate Joint Resolution
SC: Senate Capital Outlay Request

Prior Year Legislative Actions

List of Bills, Capital Outlay Requests, Memorials, and Joint Memorials from the House and Senate.

Current Year | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000