Legislative Actions
List of Bills, Capital Outlay Requests, Memorials, and Joint Memorials from the House and Senate that are related to and analyzed by the Office of the State Engineer and the Interstate Stream Commission.
New Mexico Legislature's HomePage
Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission House Bill Analysis List
2022 Legislative Session
House Bill Number | House Bill Name |
HB 24 | State Engineer Water Planning & Management |
HB 41 | Water Trust Board |
HB 83 | State Engineer Eligibility Requirements |
HB 121 | Acequia & Community Ditch Fund |
HB 131 | Water Data Act Implementation |
House Memorial Number | House Memorial Name |
House Joint Memorial Number | House Joint Memorial Name |
HJM 1 | Consider Drought in Federal Agricultural Policy |
HB: House Bill
HC: House Capital Outlay Request
HJM: House Joint Memorial
HM: House Memorial
HJR: House Joint Resolution
Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission Senate Bill Analysis List
2022 Legislative Session
Senate Bill Number | Senate Bill Name |
SB 18 | Appropriation to the Water Trust Board |
SB 45 | Acequia And Community Ditch Fund Act Funding |
SB 100 | Cannabis Regulation |
SB 212 | Capital Outlay Projects |
SB 162 | Strategic Water Reserve |
Senate Joint Memorial Number | Senate Joint Memorial Name |
SJM 3 | Evaluate Santolina Development |
SB: Senate Bill
SJM: Senate Joint Memorial
SM: Senate Memorial
SJR: Senate Joint Resolution
SC: Senate Capital Outlay Request
Prior Year Legislative Actions
List of Bills, Capital Outlay Requests, Memorials, and Joint Memorials from the House and Senate.