Legislative Actions
List of Bills, Capital Outlay Requests, Memorials, and Joint Memorials from the House and Senate that are related to and analyzed by the Office of the State Engineer and the Interstate Stream Commission.
New Mexico Legislature's HomePage
Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission House Bill Analysis List
2019 Legislative Session
House Bill Number | Bill Description |
HB 17 | Water Leases and Use of Leased Water |
HB 28 | Resource Sustainability & Security Act |
HB 32 | Legal Services for Land Grants |
HB 37 | No LEDA Funds for Water Rights Purcheases |
HB 38 | Abq-Bernalillo Water Authority Water Rights |
HB 174 | Lower Rio Grande Water Management & Planning |
HB 175 | Regional Water Utility Act |
HB 186 | Regional Water Planning Act |
HB 187 | Water Law Evaluation and Review |
HB 206 | Environmental Review Act |
HB 216 | File County Subdivision Ordinances With State |
HB 258 | Gila Forest Restoration Projects |
HB 266 | Forest and Watershed Restoration Act |
HB 334 | Rural Water System Clean Water Pilot Project |
HB 373 | New Mexico Central Arizona Project Entity |
HB 374 | Underground Water End User Identification |
HB 276 | Establish Advanced Mapping Fund |
HB 281 | Strategic Water Reserve |
HB 417 | Southwest NM Water Projects | HB 450 | Water Right Hearing & Appeals |
HB 451 | District Water Courts |
HB 460 | Weather Modification Program |
HB 484 | Northeast NM Groundwater Study |
HB 517 | Acequia & Community Ditch Fund |
HB 513 | Water Conservation Product Tax Credit |
HB 546 | Fluid Oil & Gas Waste Act |
HB 576 | Underground Water End User Identification |
HB 651 | Water Data Act |
House Memorial Number | House Memorial |
HM 18 | Support for 14,000 Acre-Feet of Water for NM |
HB: House Bill
HC: House Capital Outlay Request
HJM: House Joint Memorial
HM: House Memorial
HJR: House Joint Resolution
Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission Senate Bill Analysis List
2019 Legislative Session
Senate Bill Number | Senate Bill Name |
SB 5 | Interstate Stream Commission Membership |
SB 12 | Water Rights Notifications Online |
SB 33 | High School Water Management Project |
SB 67 | Engineering Internship Program |
SB 244 | Legal Services for Land Grants & Acequias |
SB 255 | Ground Water Resources Study |
SB 369 | Water Trust Board Member Appointment |
SB 277 | Strategic Water Reserve |
SB 435 | Groundwater Applications and Prior Decisions |
SB 438 | Acequia & Community Ditch Infrastructure Fund |
SB 464 | Deduction for Water Conservation Products |
SB 509 | Regional Water Utility Authority Act |
SB 524 | Electronic State Agency Notices |
SB 526 | Upper Rio Grande Watershed District |
SB 552 | Ohkay Owingeh Groundwater Study |
SB 558 | Middle Rio Grande Water Management |
SB 560 | Interstate Stream Commission Water Planning |
SB 586 | Ownership of Pore Space |
SB 592 | Regulation of Produced Water |
SB 605 | Notice of Settlements & Mediation Costs |
SB 606 | State Engineer Qualifications |
SB 635 | Portage on Private Property |
SB: Senate Bill
SJM: Senate Joint Memorial
SM: Senate Memorial
SJR: Senate Joint Resolution
SC: Senate Capital Outlay Request
Prior Year Legislative Actions
List of Bills, Capital Outlay Requests, Memorials, and Joint Memorials from the House and Senate.