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Legislative Actions

List of Bills, Capital Outlay Requests, Memorials, and Joint Memorials from the House and Senate that are related to and analyzed by the Office of the State Engineer and the Interstate Stream Commission.

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Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission House Bill Analysis List

2004 Legislative Session

House Bill Number Bill Description
HB   2 General Appropriation Acts of 2004, Coll
HB  36 Making an Appropriation to Pay the Debt of the Fort Sumner Irrigation District to the Federal Bureau of Reclamation - Campos
HB  45 Relating to Higher Education; Creating the Water Resources Research Institute; Making an Appropriation - Nunez
HB  48 Relating to Taxation; Providing a Personal Income Tax Credit and a Corporate Income Tax Credit for Agricultural Water Conservation Expenses - Nunez
HB  53 Making an Appropriation for a Phreatophyte Eradication and Control Program; Declaring an Emergency - Nunez
HB  60 Relating to Taxation; Amending the Gross Receeipts and Compensating Tax Act to Provide an Exemption from the Gross Receipts Tax for Water Conservation - Stell
HB  76 Making an Appropriation for the Water Trust Fund; Declaring an Emergency - Moore
HB  77 Making an Appropriation for a Statewide Aquifer Mapping Project to be Conducted by the Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology - Stell
HB 101 Making an Appropriation for Support and Improvements of the Water Adjudication Process in the Office of the State Engineer; Declaring an Emergency - Cervantes
HB 102 Relating to Water; Creating the Domestic Well Impact Fund; Imposing an Application Fee and a Domestic Well Impact Fee for New Domestic Wells; Making an Appropriation; Declaring an Emergency - Cervantes
HB 134 Making an Appropriation to Provide a Fifty Percent Match for a National Science Foundation Grant for the Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research - Picraux
HB 139 Making an Appropriation for Internet Access to the Sandia National Laboratories Water Model - Picraux
HB 153 Relating to Produced Water; Allowing for the Disposition of Produced Water Without State Engineer Approval; Providing a Corporate Income Tax Credit for the Disposal of Produced Water - Stell
HB 196 Relating to Water; Providing for Active Resource Management and Designation of Critical Management Areas; Amending a Section of Chapter 72, Article 2 NMSA 1978 to Enable the State Engineer to Regulate Wells in Critical Management Areas - Varela
HB 204 Relating to Occupational Licenses; Enacting the Water Well Drillers Licensing Act; Requiring Licensure; Prescribing Powers and Duties; Creating a Fund; Providing Penalties; Amending, Repealing and Enacting Sections of the NMSA 1978; Making an Appropriation - Stell
HB 252 Making an Appropriation to Provide Technical Assistance in the Adoption and Implementation of Acequia Bylaws, Rules and Regulations - Salazar
HB 276 Relating to Taxation; Providing a Tax Credit for Delivery of Produced Water to the Canadian River or the Cimarron River - Moore
HB 282 Making an Appropriation for a Study of the Feasibility of Constructing a Storage and Distribution System for Water from the Tularosa Creek in Otero County - Marquardt
HB 289 Relating to Water; Imposing Water Resource Fees for the Diversion or Withdrawal of Public Waters of the State; Reconciling Amendments to Section 72-4A-5 NMSA 1978 (Being Laws 2001, Chapter 164, Section 5, as Amended by Laws 2003, Chapter 139, Section 3 and by Laws 2003, Chapter 365, Section 1); Making an Appropriation - Stewart
HB 312 Relating to Water; Providing for a Strategic Water Reserve; Providing for Additional Powers and Duties of the Interstate Stream Commission; Authorizing the Issuance of Severance Tax Bonds for the Acquisition of Water Rights for the Strategic Water Reserve; Making an Appropriation - Stell
HB 313 Relating to Taxation; Providing a Tax Credit for Water Rights Donated to the Strategic Water Reserve - Stell
HB 323 Making an Appropriation for Soil and Water Conservation Districts - Roberts
HB 325 Relating to Water; Providing for the Regulation of Livestock Water Tanks; Amending Sections of Chapter 72 NMSA 1978; Declaring an Emergency - Stell
HB 326 Relating to Taxation; Providing for a Tax Credit for Water Rights Donated to the Strategic Water Reserve - Stell
HB 327 Making an Appropriation to Conduct Weather Modification Projects in New Mexico - Stell
HB 344 Relating to Water; Amending a Section ot the NMSA 1978 to Provide for Notification by Certified Mail of Contiguous Landowners of an Application for a Permit to Appropriate Waters of the State - Williams
HB 347 Relating to Water; Amending Sections of the Water Project Finance Act; Providing for Members of the Water Trust Board; Removing the Drought Strike Team From Water Trust Board Duties; Providing for Appropriations and Donations to the Water Project Fund - Stewart
HB 358 Relating to Finance; Authorizing the New Mexico Finance Authority to Make Loans or Grants for Certain Water Projects fromthe Water Project Fund; Declaring an Emergency - Taylor
HB 375 Making an Appropriation for a Phreatophyte Eradication and Control Program on the Pecos River; Declaring an Emergency - Ponce
HB 462 Making an Appropriation for the Acequia Commission - Salazar
HB 483 Making an Appropriation to the Office of the State Engineer for a Study by the Tularosa Community Ditch Association of the Effects of a Proposed Desalination Plant - Foley
HB 499 Making an Appropriation to the Interstate Stream Commission for the Weather Modification Program - Roberts
HB 506 Making an Appropriation for Legal Fees for an Investigation of Additional Water Rights for the Village of Eagle Nest - Regensberg
HB 519 Making an Appropriation to the New Mexico Office of the Indian Affairs for Water Conservation and for the Protection of the Silvery Minnow by the Pueblo of Sandia, the Pueblo of Isleta and the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District - Madalena
HB 537 Relating to Taxation; Providing for Agrigultural Land Valuation - Zanetti

House Memorial
HM 14 Requesting the United States Department of Agriculture to Provide Fair and Equitable Compensation to Acequia and Ditch Irrigators During Prolonged Drought and Water Shortages - Stell

House Joint Memorial
HJM 43 Requesting the State Engineer and the Interstate Stream Commission to Include All Stakeholders in the Potential Settlement of Water Rights of the Navajo Nation - Cheney
HJM 55 Requesting the State Engineer to Report on the History and Status of Water Rights in the Village of Agua Fria - Trujillo
HJM 63 Requesting Notification of the Acequia Commission Whenever Action is Being Considered that Affects Acequias or Community Ditches - Salazar
HJM 90 Requesting that the San Juan-Chama Project, Water Contract Between the City of Espanola, the City and County of Santa Fe and the United States Department of the Interior be Changed to a Repayment, Perpetual, Agreement as an integral Part of Addressing a Multicounty Region Including San Juan, Taos, Rio Arriba, Santa Fe, Sandoval, Bernalillo and Velencia Counties as Well as Tribal Governments, Municipalities and other Entities - Lujan

House Joint Resolution
HJR  4 Authorizing the Transfer of a Portion of the Eagle Nest Lake Property for the Development of a State Park - Moore
HJR  6 Proposing an Amendment to Article 16 of the Constitution of New Mexico by Adopting a New Section Providing for Local Public Control of Public Water Supplies - Coll

HB: House Bill
HC: House Capital Outlay Request
HJM: House Joint Memorial
HM: House Memorial
HJR: House Joint Resolution

Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission Senate Bill Analysis List

2004 Legislative Session

Senate Bill Number Senate Bill Name
SB  12 Relating to Taxation; Providing a Personal Income Tax Credit and a Corporate Income Tax Credit for Agrigultural Water Conservation Expenses - Papen
SB  14 Making an Appropriation to Pay the Debt of the Fort Sumner Irrigation District to the Federal Bureau of Reclamation - Ingle
SB  19 Making an Appropriation to Provide Coordination Services by the State Forester for Bosque Management and River Improvement Projects Statewide - Feldman
SB  47 Making an Appropriation for Internet Access to the Sandia National Laboratories Water Model - Beffort
SB  78 Relating to Taxation; Enacting a New Section of the Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax Act; Providing a Tax Credit for Impaired Water Treatment by National Laboratories - Beffort
SB  87 Relating to Water; Enacting a New Section of the Water Project Finance Act; Creating the Acequia Project Fund; Making an Appropriation - Cisneros
SB  89 Relating to Water; Providing for Active Resource Management and Designation of Critical Management Areas; Amending a Section of Chapter 72, Article 2 NMSA 1978 to Enable the State Engineer to Regulate Wells in Critical Management Areas - Cisneros
SB 122 Relating to Water; Amending a Section of the Construction Industries Licensing Act to Provide for Minimum Standards for the Collection of Precipitation fromCommercial Buildings - Cisneros
SB 123 Making an Appropriation for a Statewide Aquifer Mapping Project to be Conducted by the Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology - Cisneros
SB 200 Making an Appropriation for Support and Improvements of the Water Adjudication Process in the Office of the State Engineer; Declaring an Emergency - Papen
SB 209 Making an Appropriation to Provide a Fifty Percent Match for a National Science Foundation Grant for the Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research - Aragon
SB 230 Making an Appropriation for a Phreatophyte Eradication and Control Program; Declaring an Emergency - Smith
SB 260 Relating to Finance; Authorizing the New Mexico Finance Authority to Make Grants for Public Projects fromt he Water and Wastewater Project Grant Fund; Declaring an Emergency - Papen
SB 290 Relating to Higher Education; Creating the Water Resources Research Institute; Making an Appropriation - Papen
SB 301 Relating to Water; Providing for the Regulation of Livestock Water Tanks; Amending Sections of Chapter 72 NMSA 1978; Declaring an Emergency - Altamirano
SB 313 Relating to Produced Water; Allowing for the Disposition of Produced water Without State Engineer Approval; Providing a Corporate Income Tax Credit for the Disposal of Produced Water - Cisneros
SB 322 Making an Appropriation for a Phreatophyte Eradication and Control Program; Declaring an Emergency - Smith
SB 343 Relating to Occupational Licenses; Enacting the Water Well Drillers Licensing Act; Requiring Licensure; Prescribing Powers and Duties; Creating a Fund; Providing Penalties; Amending, Repealing and Enacting Sections of the NMSA 1978; Making an Appropriation - Jennings
SB 356 Relating to Environment; Amending the Sanitary Projects Act to Provide for Livestock Water - Leavell
SB 360 Relating to Water; Providing for a Strategic Water Reserve; Providing for Additional Powers and Duties of the Interstate Stream Commission; Authorizing the Issuance of Severance Tax Bonds for the Acquisition of Water Rights for the Strategic Water Reserve; Making an Appropriation - Cisneros
SB 362 Relating to Taxation; Providing for a Tax Credit for Water Rights Donated to the Strategic Water Reserve - Cisneros
SB 366 Making An Appropriation of the Office of the State Engineer to Administer Critical Management Areas - Cisneros
SB 383 Relating to the State Engineer; Changing Civil Procedures in State Engineer Administrative Hearings; Clarifying Who Has Standing to Protest Pending Water Rights Applications on the Basis of Impairment; Changing Qualifications for Administrative Hearing Officers - Sanchez
SB 386 Relating to Water; Imposing Water Protection Fees for the Diversion or Withdrawal of Public Waters of the State; Making an Appropriation - Aragon
SB 422 Relating to Local Government; Enacting the Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority Act; Creating the Authority as a Political Subdivision of the State; Providing Powers and Duties; Providing for the Setting of Rates; Providing for the Issuance of Revenue Bonds and Refunding Bonds; Providing for Fees; Exempting the Authority from the Procurement Code, The Public Utility Act adn Regulation by the Public Regulation Commission; Providing for Retirement Benefits for Authority Employees; Reconciling Multiple Amendments to Section 13-1-98 NMSA 1978 (Being Laws 1984, Chapter 65, Section 71, as Amended by Laws 2001, Chapter 291, Section 8 and By Laws 2001, Chapter 292, Section 3 and By Laws 2001, Chapter 305, Section 28 and Also By Laws 2001, Chapter 312, Section 13) - Aragon
SB 428 Making an Appropriation to Provide Technical Assistance in the Implementation of Acequia-Related Provisions in the State Water Plan - Cisneros
SB 432 Relating to Subdivision Regulation; Allowing Certain Class A Counties to Streamline the Subdivision Approval Process; Providing for Appeals to the Board of County Commissioners - Aragon
SB 438 Relating to Local Government; Enacting the Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority Act; Creating the Authority as a Political Subdivision of the State; Providing Powers and Duties; Providing for the Setting of Rates; Providing for the Issuance of Revenue Bonds and Refunding Bonds; Providing for Fees; Exempting the Authority from the Procurement Code, The Public Utility Act and Regulation by the Public Regulation Commission; Providing for Retirement Benefits for Authority Employees; Providing that the Board of Directors of the Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority Shall Serve as the Board of Directors of the Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority; Providing that the Board of Commissioners for Bernalillo County May Levy Taxes Pursuant to the Arroyo Flood Control Act; Amending and Repealing Certain Sections of the Arroyo Flood Control Act; .149895.1 - Aragon
SB 443 Relating to Water; Amending Sections of the Water Project Finance Act; Providing for Members of the Water Trust Board; Removing the Drought Strick Team from Water Trust Board Duties; Providing for Appropriations and Donations to the Water Project Fund - Cisneros
SB 446 Relating to Special Districts; Providing for the Creation of a County Water and Sanitation Authority; Establishing Powers and Duties; Enacting Sections of the NMSA 1978 - Cisneros
SB 466 Making an Appropriation to the Board of Regents of New Mexico State University for the United States-Mexico Conflict Resolution Center - Papen
SB 472 Making an Appropriation to the Interstate Stream Commission for the Weather Modification Program - Ingle
SB 519 Making an Appropriation for a Study of the Feasibility of Constructing a Storage and Distribution System ffor Water from the Tularosa Creek in Otero County - Duran
SB 526 Relating to Water; Amending Sections of the Water Project Finance Act; Providing for Members of the Water Project Finance Act; Providing for Members of the Water Trust Board; Removing the Drought Strike Team From Water Trust Board Duties; Providing for Appropriations and Donations to the Water Project Fund - Cisneros
SB 561 Relating to Government Accountability; Changing the Name of the Accountability in Government Act; Amending and Enacting Sections of the Accountability in Government Act - Altamirano
SB 573 Relating to Water; Defining the Types of Projects that May Be Funded by the Water Trust Board; Requiring that Total Grant Funds from All State Sources be Limited to a Maximum of Forty Percent of Project Cost; Reconciling Multiple Amendments to the Same Sections of Law in Laws 2003 - Aragon

Senate Memorial
SM  8 Requesting the United States Department of Agriculture to Provide Fair and Equitable Compensation to Acequia and Ditch Irrigators During Prolonged Drought and Water Shortages - Ingle

Senate Joint Memorial
SJM 25 Requesting the State Engineer and the Interstate Stream Commission to Include Non-Native Stakeholderes in the Potential Settlement of Water Rights of the Navajo Nation - Aragon
SJM 59 Requesting the Attorney General and the State Engineer to Investigate the December 2003 Election for El Llano Acequia Election of Commissioners - Cisneros
SJM 62 Requesting the State Engineer and the Interstate Stream Commission to Include All Stakeholders in the Potential Settlement of Water Rights of the Navajo Nation - Kysar

Senate Joint Resolution
SJR 3 Authorizing the Transfer of a Portion of the Eagle Nest Lake Property for the Development of a State Park - Cisneros

SB: Senate Bill
SJM: Senate Joint Memorial
SM: Senate Memorial
SJR: Senate Joint Resolution
SC: Senate Capital Outlay Request

Prior Year Legislative Actions

List of Bills, Capital Outlay Requests, Memorials, and Joint Memorials from the House and Senate.

Current Year | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000