Legislative Actions
List of Bills, Capital Outlay Requests, Memorials, and Joint Memorials from the House and Senate that are related to and analyzed by the Office of the State Engineer and the Interstate Stream Commission.
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Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission House Bill Analysis List
2005 Legislative Session
House Bill Number | Bill Description |
HB 2 | General Appropriation Act of 2005 - Saavedra |
HB 14 | Making an Appropriation to the Interstate Stream Commission for the Gallup-Navajo Pipeline Project - Begaye |
HB 44 | Making an Appropriation to the Interstate Stream Commission to Develop a Ute Lake Master Plan - Moore |
HB 88 | Making an Appropriation for a Pilot Program to Use Goats to Remove Salt Cedar and Non-Native Phreatophytes, to Enhance Water Supplies and to Improve Habitat for the Willow Flycatcher and the Silvery Minnow - Nuñez |
HB 89 | Making an Appropriation for a Statewide Non-Native Phreatophyte Removal Program - Nuñez |
HB 91 | Relating to Taxation; Providing a Personal Income Tax Credit and a Corporate Income Tax Credit for Agricultural Water Conservation Expenses; Providing for a Delayed Repeal - Nuñez |
HB 126 | Relating to Water; Creating the Indian Water Rights Settlement Fund; Providing for Legislative Approval of Certain Indian Water Rights Settlements; Making an Appropriation - Begaye |
HB 153 | Relating to Ocupations; Changing the Powers and Duties of the Water Quality Control Commission and the Department of Environment Pertaining to Regulation of Utility Operators; Increasing Fees; Providing for Hearing and Appeals; Making an Appropriation - King |
HB 175 | Making an Appropriation to Pay the Debt of the Fort Sumner Irrigation District to the Federal Bureau of Reclamation - Compos II |
HB 190 | Making an Appropriation to the Interstate Stream Commission for a Cloud-Seeding Project in the Jemez y Sangre Regional Water Planning District - Gonzales |
HB 192 | Making an Appropriation for the Water Resources Research Institute - Nuñez |
HB 195 | Relating to water, Providing for a Strategic Water Reserve, Providing for Additional Powers and Duties of the Interstate Stream Commission, Authorizing the Issuance of Severance Tax Bonds for the Acquisition of Water, Water Rights and Water Storage for the Strategic Water Reserve, Making an Appropriation - Stell |
HB 236 | Making an Appropriation for the Acequia Commission - Salazar |
HB 237 | Relating to Conservancy Districts; Requiring Elections within Certain Conservancy Districts to be Conducted by Mail-in Ballot - Garcia |
HB 240 | Relating to Air Pollution; Requiring New Mexico Gasoline Stations to Install Functioning Vapor Recovery Nozzles at Gasoline Pumps; Providing a Penalty - Garcia |
HB 271 | Relating to Finance; Authorizing the New Mexico Finance Authority to Make Loans or Grants for Certain Water Projects from the Water Project Fund; Making an Appropriation; Declaring an Emergency - Crook |
HB 285 | Relating to Water; Providing for Active Resource Management and Designation of Critical Management Areas; Amending and Enacting Sections of Chapter 72 NMSA 1978 to Enable the State Engineer to Regulate Domestic Wells in Critical Management Areas - Varela |
HB 293 | Relating to Water; Imposing an Application Fee and a Domestic Well Impact Fee for New Domestic Wells; Creating the Domestic Well Impact Fund; Making an Appropriation; Declaring an Emergency - Cervantes |
HB 297 | Making an Appropriation for Water Management Research and Education Programs by the Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service - Cervantes |
HB 299 | Making an Appropriation to the Utton Transboundary Resources Center at the University of New Mexico for an Office of Water Rights Ombudsman - Cervantes |
HB 326 | Making an Appropriation for a Comprehensive Hydro-Geologic Study of the Sacromento Mountains - Vaughn |
HB 346 | Relating to Water; Providing for a Direct Appeal to the District Court from a State Engineer Decision - Tripp |
HB 348 | Relating to Utilities; Requiring Water Utilization Plans for Certain Electric Power Generating Plants; Prescribing Approval Procedures; Changing Ruling Deadlines and the Size of Plants Subject to Location Approval - Tripp |
HB 403 | Making an Appropriation for the Water Trust Fund; Declaring an Emergency - Moore |
HB 415 | Relating to Water; Creating the Indian Water Rights Settlement Fund; Providing for Legislative Approval of Certain Indian Water Rights Settlements; Making an Appropriation - Begaye |
HB 462 | Relating to Water; Enacting the Water Efficient Technology Act; Imposing Water Efficiency Fees for the Diversion or Withdrawal of Public Waters of the State; Creating a Fund; Making an Appropriation - Stewart |
HB 491 | Making an Appropriation for Water Conservation and Natural Resource Restoration Technical Assistance - Cervantes |
HB 500 | Relating to Water; Providing for Active Resource Management and Designation of Critical Management Areas; Amending and Enacting Sections of Chapter 72 NMSA 1978 to Enable the State Engineer to Regulate Domestic Wells in Critical Management Areas; Declaring an Emergency - King |
HB 587 | Relating to Water; Amending the Water Project Finance Act to Provide for Membership tothe Water Trust Board and to Provide that Twenty-Five Percent of the Water Project Fund be Dedicated to Watershed Restoration - Stell |
HB 589 | Making an Appropriation for a Hydrographic Survey and Adjudication of the Animas Valley Watershed; Declaring an Emergency - Herrera |
HB 590 | Relating to Water; Prohibiting the State Engineer from Stopping the Use of Certain Domestic Use Wells - Youngberg |
HB 623 | Making an Appropriation to Acquire Water Rights for the Carnuel Mutual Domestic Water and Wastewater Consumers Association in Bernalillo County - McCoy |
HB 661 | Relating to Special Districts; Providing Authority to the Soil and Water Conservation Commission to Establish a Watershed Coordinator Position - Tripp |
HB 711 | Relating to Water; Providing that Water Quality Commission Regulations and Standards for Surface Water are No More Stringent than Required by Federal Law - Campos II |
HB 722 | Relating to New Mexico Communities; Enacting the New Mexico Healthy Communities Act; Requiring Notice and Community Impact Reports Prior to Certain Actions by Certain Regulatory Agencies; Providing Criteria for Making Certain Decisions by Certain Regulatory Agencies; Providing for Citizen Enforcement - Jujan |
HB 765 | Making an Appropriation to Implement the Estancia Regional Water Plan - King |
HB 782 | Making an Appropriation for a Permanent Water Harvesting Demonstration Project on the Santa Fe Railyard Park and Plaza - Wirth |
HB 817 | Making an Appropriation to the Interstate Stream Commission to Map the Acequia Junta y Cienaga - Rodella |
HB 838 | Relating to Sanitary Projects; Amending the Sanitary Projects Act with Regard to Associations; Amending, Repealing and Enacting Sections of the NMSA 1978 Relating to Funding Sanitary Projects; Declaring an Emergency - Nuñez |
HB 859 | Relating to Local Government; Delineating the Powers and Duties of the Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority; Amending a Section of the NMSA 1978 - Silva |
HB 864 | Making an Appropriation for Salt Cedar Control in the De Baca Soil and Water Conservation District - Campos II |
HB 903 | Relating to Public Utilities; Pfoviding for Simultaneous Determination of Ratemaking Principles and Public Convenience and Necessity; Authorizing Utilities to File Applications of Public Convenience and Necessity Before Filing Applications for Location Approval; Establishing Factors to be Considered When Approving Applications for Location Approval; Providing Deadlines for Approval of Applications; Allowing Approval of Applications Without a Forma Hearing; Prescribing Use of Ratemaking Principles and Treatments in all Proceedings - Cervantes |
HB 917 | Relating to Water; Providing Procedures for Prosecuting Violations of Laws Concerning the Misuse of Water and Interference with Easements for or Access to Certain Irrigation Ditches; Creating and Increasing Penalties; Providing for Civil Remedies - Lujan |
HB 961 | Making an Appropriation for the Interstate Stream Commission to Conduct a Study of the Salt Basin Water Resource for Use by New Mexico Communities - Stell |
HB 962 | Relating to Water; Requiring the State Enineer to Pay Water Masters Who are Applinted without a Request from the Affected Water District - Nuñez |
HB 988 | Relating to Water Rights; Creating the Three-Year Rio San Jose Adjudication Settlement Pilot Project to Encourage Settlement of Water Rights Claims; Providing for the Administration, Goals and Evaluation of the Pilot Project; Making an Appropriation - Hanosh |
HB 996 | Making an Appropriation for a Santa Fe River Water Master - Wallace |
HB 1002 | Making an Appropriation to Research and Develop the Use of Reverse Osmosis Technologies to Recycle Water Produced From Oil and Gas Exploration - Stell |
HB 1010 | Making an Appropriation for Watershed Restoration in the Ciudad Soil and Water Conservation District - King |
HB 1011 | Making an Appropriation for Watershed Restoration and Removal of Vegetation in the East Torrance Soil and Water Conservation District - King |
HB 1014 | Relating to Water; Amending Sections of the NMSA 1978 Relating to Impounding Perennial Surface Waters of the State for Watering Livestock - Nuñez |
HB 1066 | Making an Appropriation to Improve Water Conservation, Efficiency and Management in the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District - Sandoval |
HB 1070 | Relating to Water; Amending the Ground Water Storage and Recovery Act to Provide Eligibility for Ground Water Storage and Recovery by a Public Utility - Cervantes |
HB 1073 | Relating to Water; Adding the State Engineer's Assessment of Water Availability to a County's Assessment of Requirements for Subdivisions - King |
HB 1084 | Relating to Water; Making an Appropriation to the Interstate Stream Commission to Comply with New Mexico's Obligations Under the Pecos River Compact; Providing Contingencies; Providing for a Report - Lujan |
HB 1088 | Relating to Public Utilities; Clarifying the Definition of "Public Utility" Or "Utility" - Lujan |
House Joint Memorial | |
HJM 1 | Requesting the New Mexico Legislative Council to Direct the Appropriate Interim Comittee to Examine the Appropriate Method to Enable Local Governments Throughout the State to Operate and Administer Water Utility Authorities - Nuñez |
HJM 7 | Requesting Congress to Support the Navajo Agricultural Products Industry and to Appropriate Adequate Funds to Complete the Construction and to Operate and Maintain the Navajo Indian Irrigation Project - Begaye |
HJM 16 | Urging Congress to Appropriate Funds for Testing Radioactivity Levels in Certain New Mexico Homes - Harrison |
HJM 33 | Requesting Protection of Aboriginal Senior Water Rights of the Native American Nations, Pueblos and Tribes - Madalena |
HJM 34 | Requesting the Interstate Stream Commission to Begin Planning to Realize the Full Benefits the State of New Mexico Received in the Arizona Water Settlements Act - Stewart |
HJM 44 | Requesting Certain State Agencies to Study Water Conservation and Water Infrastructure Financing and Administration to Develop a Strategic Water Conservation and Infrastructure Investment Plan to Secure a Sustainable Water Supply for New Mexico's Urban, Rural, Agricultural, Industrial, Recreational and Environmental Water Needs - Lujan |
HJM 45 | To Urge Establishment of Minimum Recreational Pools of Water for Lakes and Reservoirs Within New Mexico State Parks - Rodella |
HJM 48 | Requesting the State Engineer to Conduct a Comprehensive Statewide Assessment of New Mexico's Water Obligations, Needs and Resources - Anderson |
HJM 49 | Requesting that the San Juan-Chama Project Water Contract Between the City of Espanola, the City and County of Santa Fe and the Untied States Department of the Interior be Changed to a Repayment Perpetual Agreement as an Integral Part of Addressing a Multicounty Region - Lujan |
HJM 68 | Requesting the Interstate Stream Commission, with the Cooperation of the Governor, the Secretary of Economic Development, the State Engineer and the Secretary of Finance and Administrationb, to Study the Most Effective Options for New Mexico to Conserve and Develop Ground Water in the Salt Basin and Other Ground Water Basins of New Mexico for the Benefits and Use by New Mexico Communities - Stell |
HJM 77 | Directing State Agencies to Comply with the Law on Submitting Material and Reports to the Legislature and Requesting State Agencies to Make Available Electronic Versions of Reports When Feasible - Cervantes |
HJM 86 | Requesting that the State Engineer Collaborate with the Department of Environment and Other Agencies to Develop Criteria for Water System Planning, Performance and Conservation as a Condition of State Financing - Cervantes |
HJM 107 | Requesting the Office of the State Engineer, the Interstate Stream Commission and the Department of Environment to Create a Joint Task Force to Study the Issue of Storm Water Management and Reuse - Trujillo |
HB: House Bill
HC: House Capital Outlay Request
HJM: House Joint Memorial
HM: House Memorial
HJR: House Joint Resolution
Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission Senate Bill Analysis List
2005 Legislative Session
Senate Bill Number | Senate Bill Name |
SB 6 | Capital Projects Act, Compos |
SB 100 | Making an Appropriation for Water Management Research and Education Programs by the Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, Papen |
SB 102 | Relating to Water; Providing Procedures for Prosecuting Violations of Laws Concerning the Misuse of Water and Interference with Easements for or Access to Certain Irrigation Ditches, Creating and Increasing Penalties; Providing for Civil Remedies, Cisneros |
SB 113 | Making an Appropriation for the Water Resources Research Institute, Papen |
SB 117 | Relating to Higher Education; Creating the Water Resources Research Institute, Papen |
SB 120 | Relating to Water; Providing for Active Resource Management and Designation of Critical Management Areas; Amending and Enacting Sections of Chapter 72 NMSA 1978 to Enable the State Engineer to Regulate Domestic Wells in Critical Management Areas, Cisneros |
SB 123 | Relating to Water; Providing for a Strategic Water Reserve; Providing for Additional Powers and Duties of the Interstate Stream Commission; Authorizing the Issuance of Serverance Tax Bonds for the Acquisition of Water, Water Rights and Water Storage for the Strategic Water Reserve; Making an Appropriation, Cisneros |
SB 132 | Relating to Water; Changing Standards for Prioritization of Water Projects by the Water Trust Board; Providing for a Designee to the Water Trust Board; Removing the Drought Strike Team from Water Trust Board Duties; Providing for Appropriations and Donations to the Water Project Fund; Reconciling Multiple Amendments to the Same Section of Law, Harden |
SB 139 | Making an Appropriation for the Water Trust Fund; Declaring an Emergency - Snyder |
SB 172 | Relating to Water; Creating the Indian Water Rights Settlement Fund; Providing for Legislative Approval of Certain Indian Water Rights Settlements; Making an Appropriation, Cisneros |
SB 186 | Relating to Finance; Authorizing the New Mexico Finance Authority to Make Loans or Grants for Certain Water Projects from the Water Project Fund; Making an Appropriation; Declaring an Emergency - Cravens |
SB 189 | Making an Appropriation for a Statewide Aquifer Mapping Project to be Conducted by the Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Cisneros |
SB 239 | Relating to Water; Amending the Water Project Finance Act to Provide for Membership to the Water Trust Board and to Provide that Twenty-Five Percent of the Water Project Fund be Dedicated to Watershed Restoration, Campos |
SB 293 | Relating to Occupantions; Changing the Powers and Duties of the Water Quality Control Commission and the Department of Environment Pertaining to Regulation of Utility Operators; Increasing Fees; Providing for Hearings and Appeals; Making an Appropriation - Snyder |
SB 396 | Making an Appropriation for Soil and Water Conservation Districts - Altamirano |
SB 417 | Relating to the Conservation of Natural Resources; Enacting the Substainable Development Testing Site Act; Providing for the Approval of Areas to be Used for Non-Industrial Research and Testing Designed to Reduce the Consumption of and Dependence on Natural Resources; Providing that Certain Research Activities Within an Approved Area are Exempt from Specified Laws, Ordinances and Rules - Cisneros |
SB 444 | Relating to Water; Enacting the Water Efficient Technology Act; Imposing Water Efficiency Fees for the Diversion or Withdrawal of Public Waters of the State; Creating a Fund; Making an Appropriation - Robinson |
SB 451 | Relating to Water; Providing for Active Resource Management and Designation of Critical Management Areas; Amending and Enacting Sections of Chapter 72 NMSA 1978 to Enable the State Engineer to Regulate Domestic Wells in Critical Management Areas; Declaring an Emergency - Smith |
SB 583 | Relating to Water; Providing that Water Quality Commission Regulations and Standards for Surface Water are No More Stringent than Required by Federal Law - Ingle |
SB 668 | Relating to Environmental Regulation; Providing that Certain Rules Adopted Pursuant to the Hazardous Waste Act May be at Least as Stringent as Those of the Federal Government - Sanchez |
SB 690 | Relating to Special Districts; Providing Authority to the Soil and Water Conservation Commission to Establish a Watershed Coordinator Position - Griego |
SB 693 | Making an Appropriation to Improve Math and Science Skills of Disadvantaged Pre-College Students for Entry into Science and Engineering Majors at New Mexico State University - Griego |
SB 699 | Making an Appropriation to Implement the Estancia Regional Water Plan - Beffort |
SB 711 | Relating to State Rules; Providing that Certain Rules are Not Effective Until the Appropriate Legislation Committee Holds a Public Hearing on the Rule - Sharer |
SB 777 | Relating to Oil and Gas; Amending and Enacting Sections of the Oil and Gas Act and Amending the Geothermal Resources Conservation Act; Providing for Permits for the Discharge or Potential Discharge of Water Contaminants; Providing for Appeal from Decisions of the Oil Conservation Commission; Establishing Certain Fines; Amending, Repealing and Enacting Sections of the NMSA 1978; Making an Appropriation - Ortiz y Pino |
SB 793 | Relating to Water; Authorizing Irrigation Districts Created and Operating Pursuant to Chapter 73, Article 9 NMSA 1978 to Establish Water Banks for the Temporary Reallocation of Water - Neville |
SB 800 | Relating to Water; Repealing Session Laws that Repeal the Lower Pecos River Basin Below Sumner Lake Water Bank - Beffort |
SB 817 | Relating to the Environment; Providing an Amnestry Period for Registration of Storage Tanks; Providing for Registration Without Payment of Fees or Penalties During the Amnesty Period; Declaring an Emergency - Taylor |
SB 819 | Making an Appropriation to the Interstate Stream Commission for Multi-Stakeholder Planning Efforts in Connection with the Federal Arizona Water Settlements Act - Altamirano |
SB 832 | Relating to Water; Requiring the State Engineer to Pay Water Masters Who are Appointed Without a Request from the Affected Water District - Papen |
SB 879 | Relating to Local Government; Delineating the Powers and Duties of the Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Water Utiliity Authority; Amending a Section of the NMSA 1978 - Taylor |
SB 900 | Relating to Water; Amending Sections of the NMSA 1978 Relating to Impounding Perennial Surface Waters of the State for Watering Livestock - Martinez |
SB 903 | Making an Appropriation for the Central Curry Soil and Water Conservation District - Harden |
SB 918 | Making an Appropriation for a Documentary Film About the Repartimientio Tradition Among New Mexico Acequias - Cisneros |
SB 944 | Making an Apporpriation to the Office of the State Engineer for a Hydrographic Study and Adjudication of the San Juan River Stream System; Declaring an Emergency - Tsosie |
SB 965 | Making an Appropriation to Acquire and Maintain a Geographic Information System to Enhance the Middle Rio Grande Collaborative Water Model - Sanchez |
SB 967 | Making an Appropriation to the Board of Regents of the University of New Mexico for Programs at the Utton Transboundary Resources Center at the University of New Mexico School of Law - Sanchez |
SB 991 | Making an Appropriation to the Board of Regents of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology for the Taos County Aquifer Monitoring Program - Cisneros |
SB 992 | Making an Appropriation to the Board of Regents of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology for the Taos County Aquifer Mapping Program - Cisneros |
SB 1017 | Relating to Municipalities and Counties; Amending Sections of the Development Fees Act to Provide for Water Rights, Transportation, Libraries, Community Centers and Schools, Consistency with Comprehensive Plans and Efficient Development and Membership on Capital Improvements Advisory Committees; Repealing a Section of the NMSA 1978 Requiring Governmental Entities to Pay Impact Fees - Feldman |
SB 1028 | Making an Appropriation for a Hydrographic Survey and Adjudication of the Animas Valley Watershed; Declaring an Emergency - Smith |
Senate Memorial | |
SM 2 | Requesting the New Mexico Congressional Delegation, The President of the United States and the Secretary of the Interior to Support Amending the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 to Require that Credible and Sufficient Scientific Data be Available and Reviewed Before a Federal Agency Issues Decisions Pursuant to that Act - Komadina |
Senate Joint Memorial | |
SJM 47 | Requesting the State Engineer to Impose a Moratorium on Transfers of Mined Ground Waters out of Their Basins of Origin - Campos |
SB: Senate Bill
SJM: Senate Joint Memorial
SM: Senate Memorial
SJR: Senate Joint Resolution
SC: Senate Capital Outlay Request
Prior Year Legislative Actions
List of Bills, Capital Outlay Requests, Memorials, and Joint Memorials from the House and Senate.