Legislative Actions
Legislative Actions
List of Bills, Capital Outlay Requests, Memorials, and Joint Memorials from the House and Senate that are related to and analyzed by the Office of the State Engineer and the Interstate Stream Commission.
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Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission House Bill Analysis List
2003 Legislative Session
House Bill Number | Bill Description |
HB2 | General Appropriation Acts of 2003, Coll |
HB7 | General Appropriation Acts of 2003, Coll |
HB39 | Relating to State Employees; Prohibiting a State Employee from Driving a State Vehicle when the Employee has Previous Convictions for Driving While Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor or Drugs, Park |
HB78 | Relating to Natural Resources; Providing for Administration and Enforcement of the Weather Control Act by the Interstate Stream Commission, Stell |
HB95 | Making an Appropriation for Salt Cedar and Phreatophyte Management to Enhance Water Supplies in the Pecos River Basin, Ponce |
HB96 | Making an Appropriation for Water Management Research at New Mexico State University, Nunez |
HB97 | Making an Appropriation for Water Management Research and Education by the Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, Nunez |
HB114 | Relating to Water Quality; Providing for Residential Landscape use of Gray Water; Amending Sections of the Water Quality Act, Stewart |
HB124 | Making an Appropriation for a Phreatophyte Eradication and Control Program; Declaring an Emergency, Nunez |
HB132 | Relating to Water Rights Litigation; Creating the Water Rights Litigation Fund; Providing for Expenditures fromthe Fund; Making an Appropriation, Coll |
HB151 | Relating to Water; Requiring that a Native American Commissioner be Appointed to the Interstate Stream Commission and the Water Quality Control Commission; Amending Sections of the NMSA 1978, Begaye |
HB153 | Relating to Special Districts; Revising the Soil and Water Conservation District Act; Amending and Repealing Sections of the NMSA 1978, Nunez |
HB202 | Relating to Water; Amending Sections of the NMSA 1978 to Provide for Water Conservation in Subdivision Regulations, Lundstrom |
HB203 | Relating to Water; Amending the Water Project Finance Act to Provide for Creation of a Drought Strike Team; Providing for Water Use Efficiency as a Criterion for Water Trust Fund Financing, Lundstrom |
HB204 | Relating to Water; Amending Section 72-4-15 NMSA 1978 (Being Laws 1907, Chapter 49, Section 20, as Amended) To Provide for Alternative Dispute Resolution in Water Rights Adjudications, Lundstrom |
HB219 | Relating to Public Money; Prescribing Powers and Duties of the Financial Control Division; Requiring State Agencies to Determine Authority for Expenditures; Providing for a Procurement Card Pilot Project; Requiring Quarterly Reports from Local Public Bodies and Certain Institutions of Higher Education; Providing Conditions Under Which Prior Year Obligations can be Paid Out of Current Year Budgets; Providing for Audits of Ceertain Entities and Instrumentalities of the State; Providing that the State Auditor may use Contract Auditors; Providing Additional Procedures for Annual Financial and Compliance Audits; Amending Repealing and Enacting Sections of the NMSA 1978, Varela |
HB223 | Relating to Government Accountability; Creating the State Comptroller and Office; Providing Powers and Duties; Providing the Legislative Finance Committee with the Duty to Conduct Performance Audits; Providing Penalties; Making an Appropriation, Varela |
HB233 | Relating to Taxation; Enacting the Water Technology Assistance Tax Credit Act; Providing for Technical Assistance by National Laboratories to Resolve Water Issues in New Mexico, Heaton |
HB235 | Relating to Special Districts; Expanding Area of Eligibility for Creation of Water and Sanitation Districts to Include All Counties, Salazar |
HB252 | Relating to Taxation; Providing a Personal Income Tax Credit and a Corporate Income Tax Credit for Agricultural Water Conservation Expenses, Nunez |
HB260 | Relating to Water; Providing for a State Water Plan, Stewart |
HB292 | Relating to Utilities; Requiring Water Conservation Plans for Certain Electric Power Generating Plants; Prescribing Approval Procedures; Changing Ruling Deadlines and the Size of Plants Subject to Location Approval; Repealing Laws 1998, Chapter 108, Section 82, Tripp |
HB303 | Relating to Water; Providing for Compliance with an Acequia or Community Ditch Requirement for a Change in Point of Diversion or Place or Purpose of Use of a Water Right, Lujan |
HB307 | Relating to Water; Providing forthe Management of Domestic Wells in Critical Management Areas; Establishing Procedures for Changes in Place and Purpose of Use of Water Rights to Domestic Uses, Varela |
HB403 | Relating to Water; Allowing the Creation of Special Water Users' Associations; Authorizing Leasing of Allotments of Water from Irrigation Districts Organized Pursuant to Chapter 73, Article 10 NMSA 1978; Altering Procedures for Changes of Place and Purpose of Use of Leased Water; Amending, Repealing and Enacting Sections of the NMSA 1978, Nunez |
HB466 | Making an Appropriation to New Mexico Instiute of Mining and Technology to Continue Mapping of the State's Aquifer Resources, Tripp |
HB481 | Relating to Taxation; Amending the Gross Reciepts and Compensating Tax Act to Provide an Exemption from the Gross Receipts Tax for Water Conseration, Stell |
HB544 | Relating to Occupational Licenses; Enacting the Water Well Drillers Licensing Act; Requiring Licensure; Prescribing Powers and Duties; Creating a Fund; Providing Penalties; Amending, Repealing and Enacting Sections of the NMSA 1978; Making an Appropriation, Stell |
HB600 | Relating to Water; Changing Procedures for Municipalities to Change the Place and Purpose of Use of Water Rights for Municipal Use; Providing for Methods of Acquisition of Water by Municipalities, Marquardt |
HB604 | Relating to Water; Providing Authority for State Engineer Priority Administration and Expedited Water Marketing and Leasing, Stell |
HB654 | Relating to the Environment; Amending Sections of the Water Quality Act to Provide for Public Hearings and Appeals on Water Quality Permits, Heaton |
HB683 | Relating to Special Districts; Amending Provisions of the Watershed District Act, Nunez |
HB726 | Relating to Public Employment; Requiring that Agencies Provide One Year for Certain Employees to Obtain a General Education Development Diploma After Employment, Vigil |
HB728 | Relating to Rural Primary Health Care; Making an Appropriation to Partially Fund a School-Based Health Clinic for the West Las Vegas School District Pursuant to the Rural Primary Health Care Act, Vigil |
HB739 | Relating to Water; Establighing Water Court Divisions Within Four Judicial Districts to Determine Water Rights Cases; Making an Appropriation, Cervantes |
HB742 | Relating to Taxation; Amending a Section of the Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax Act Pertaining to Sale of Certain Services to Out-of-State Buyers, Hobbs |
HB744 | Making an Appropriation to Improve the Efficiency of the Water Rights Adjudication Process in the Office of the State Engineer and the District Courts; Declaring an Evergency, Cervantes |
HB777 | Making an Appropriation to Regionalize the El Rito Water and Wastewater Systems, Rodella |
HB786 | Relating to Water; Placing Limits on New Appropriations of Water and Changes in Place or Purpose of Use of Water Rights in Certain Stream Systems, Begaye |
HB795 | Making an Appropriation to the Department of Environment to Pay an Outstanding Federal Loan of the Ledoux Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, Salazar |
HB877 | Making an Appropriation to the Office of the State Engineer for the Purpose of Purchasing, Installing and Studying Alternative Devices to Accurately Measure the Flow of River Water, Varela |
HB882 | Relating to Water Projects; Requiring a Percentage of Annual Severance Tax Bonding Capacity to be Used to Fund Water Projects Statewide; Making an Appropriation, Lujan |
HB910 | Relating to Natural Resources; Providing for Watershed Restoration, Tripp |
HB960 | Relating to Water; Setting a Definite Time Within Which Compliance Orders Shall be Appealed or Finalized, Cervantes |
HB976 | Relating to Water; Providing for Permitting of Domestic Wells, Livestock Wells and Temporary Wells, Stell |
HB977 | Relating to Water; Providing Protection for Water Rights Conserved as a Result of Putting Water-Saving Techniques into Proctice, Stell |
HB982 | Making an Appropriation to the Office of the State Engineer for Conducting a Hydrographic Survey and Adjudication of the San Juan River Basin, Begaye |
House Joint Memorial | |
HJM4 | Requesting the Office of the State Engineer and New Mexico State University to Cooperate in the Clarification of the Impact of Unregulated Surface Water Impoundments on Perennial Streams and Aquifers, Stewart |
HJM5 | Requesting the General Services Department and the Office of the State Engineer to Assess the Feasibility of Installing Water-Wise Landscaping on All State Property, Stewart |
HJM106 | Requesting the Office of the State Engineer to Conduct a Study of Water Tanks at the Gray Wolf Ranch in Chacon and Report the Findings of the Study to the Interim Water and Natural Resources Committee, Regensberg |
HJM110 | Requesting the Economic Development Department to Coordinate a Reuse Inventory and Assessment of the Pittsburg and Midway Coal Mining Company in McKinley County, Lundstrom |
HB: House Bill
HC: House Capital Outlay Request
HJM: House Joint Memorial
HM: House Memorial
HJR: House Joint Resolution
Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission Senate Bill Analysis List
2003 Legislative Session
Senate Bill Number | Bill Description |
SB2 | General Appropriations Act of 2003, Altamirano |
SB8 | Relating to Taxation; Enacting the Water Technology Assistance Tax Credit Act; Providing for Technical Assistance by National Laboratories to Resolve Water Issues in New Mexico, Maes |
SB54 | Relating to Water; Providing for Direct Appeal to the District Court of a Decision by the State Engineer, Garcia |
SB102 | Relating to Water; Establishing Reporting Requirements for Use of Underground Water; Prescribing Penalties, Sharer |
SB113 | Relating to Water Quality; Providing for Residential Landscape Use of Gray Water; Amending Sections of the Water Quality Act, McSorley |
SB123 | Relating to Water; Providing for Compliance with an Acequia or Community Ditch Requirement for a Change in Point of Diversion or Place or Purpose of Use of a Water Right, Cisneros |
SB124 | Relating to Water; Providing Water Banking Authority to Acequias and Community Ditches, Cisneros |
SB128 | Relating to Water; Providing an Exemption from Forfeiture for Unused Water as a Result of Putting Water-Saving Techniques into Practice, Beffort |
SB172 | Relating to Utilities; Requiring Water Conservation Plans for Certain Electric Power Generating Plants; Prescribing Approval Procedures; Changing Ruling Deadlines and the Size of Plants Subject to Location Approval; Repealing Laws 1998, Chapter 108, Section 82, Tsosie |
SB195 | Relating to Water; Providing for a State Water Plan, Feldman |
SB209 | Relating to the National Forests; Declaring a State of Emergency within the National Forests of New Mexico; Requiring the Governor and the Attorney General to Take Certain Actions to Eliminate the Emergency; Declaring an Emergency, Jennings |
SB288 | Relating to State Government; Amending the Governmental Dispute Resolution Act; Creating an Office of Public Facilitation; Authorizing Powers and Duties; Creating a Fund, Lopez |
SB429 | Relating to Economic Development; Providing that Certain Projects Critical to Economic Development May Be Funded Pursuant to the New Mexico Finance Authority Act Without Prior Legislative Authorization, Martinez |
SB438 | Relating to Subdivisions; Amending the New Mexico Subdivision Act to Prohibit the Merger of Contiguous Parcels in Certain Circumstances, Altamirano |
SB447 | Relating to Special Districts; Providing Additional Powers of Districts; Providing for Elections for the Creation of Districts; Providing for Salaries of Board Members; Providing for Issuance of General Oblication Bonds of the Districts; Providing for Compliance with the Procurement Code; Amending and Repealing Sections of the Water and Sanitation District Act, Nava |
SB452 | Making an Appropriation to the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology to Study Least-Cost Water Efficiency Technologies, Cisneros |
SB459 | Making an Appropriation to Fund Water Master and Other Staff for the Aztec District Office of the State Engineer's Office, Hurt |
SB484 | Relating to Water; Providing for the Management of Domestic Wells; Providing for a Penalty, Beffort |
SB554 | Relating to Water; Requiring Municipalities, Counties and Other Covered Entities to Adopt Water Conservation and Drought Management Plans, Cisneros |
SB565 | Relating to Water; Providing for the Management of Domestic Wells in Critical Management Areas; Establishing Procedures for Changes in Place and Purpose of Use of Water Rights to Domestic Uses; Amending and Enacting Sections of the NMSA 1978, Jennings |
SB692 | Relating to Water; Adding Public Utilities Supplying Water to Persons Other than Municipalities or Counties to Those Entities That are Allowed a Forty-Year Water Use Planning Period, Smith |
SB728 | Relating to Public Land; Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Lands to Take Certain Lands in Trust Purchased by the Interstate Stream Commission to Achieve Compliance with the Pecos River Compact, Aragon |
SB742 | Relating to Water; Amending the Ground Water Storage and Recovery Act to Provide Eligibility for the Interstate Stream Commission to Store and Retrieve Water Pursuant to that Act, Snyder |
SB769 | Making an Appropriation for the Forestry Division to Assess the Feasibility of Using Biomass from Salt Dedar Removal and Watershed Restoration Projects for Electric Power Generation, Adair |
SB841 | Relating to Water; Amending the Water Project Finance Act to Expand the Scope of Permitted Projects to Include Water Conservation Measures; Allowing Indian Nations; Tribes and Pueblos to Receive Direct Financial Assistance from the Water Trust Board; Declaring an Emergency, Aragon |
SB843 | Relating to Water; Providing Legislative Approval for the Water Trust Board to Make Loans or Grants for Qualifying Water Projects from the Water Project Fund; Declaring an Emergency, Aragon |
Senate Memorial | |
SM8 | Requesting the United States Congress to Reevaluate the Worth of the Endangered Species Act and to Restore Personal and Property Rights, Hurt |
Senate Joint Memorial | |
SJM18 | Requesting the Water Trust Board and the Office of the State Engineer to Compile Information on Leakage and Other Water Infrastructure Problems of Water Systems and Recommend Appropriate Remedies to the Legislature, Rawson |
SJM28 | Requesting the New Mexico Legislative Council to Direct the Appropriate Committee to Evaluate the Feasibility of Creating a Regional Water Authority for the Santa Fe Area, Maes III |
SJM71 | Requesting the Interstate Stream Commission to Integrate the Use of Desalination into Its Plans, Griego |
SJM77 | Requesting the Office of the State Engineer and the Interstate Stream Commission to Assist the Appropriate Committee of the Legislature to Develop Legislation for the Orderly Appropriation of Nonpotable Ground Water for Treatment and Use for Domestic and Municipal Supplies, Feldman |
SJM81 | Requesting the Governor to Establish a Task Force to Advise the Governor on State Land-Use Policies, Laws and Rules and to Make Recommendations on the Coordination of Land-Use Activities of Various State Agencies, McSorley |
SJM84 | Requesting an Interim Legislative Committee to Study the Feasibility of Using the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District Drainage Ditches as a Means of Storm Water Conveyance in the South Valley Area of Bernalillo County, Lopez |
SB: Senate Bill
SJM: Senate Joint Memorial
SM: Senate Memorial
SJR: Senate Joint Resolution
SC: Senate Capital Outlay Request
Prior Year Legislative Actions
List of Bills, Capital Outlay Requests, Memorials, and Joint Memorials from the House and Senate.